Just A Thought

Sometimes you wait so long for something, go through a lot while you wait, and while you contemplate giving up, it arrives. Spectacular. And you feel grateful you never gave in. The feeling, the sense of pride in your achievement, the many lives impacted and inspired by your feat. All would have been lost to fear and doubt and a can't-do-it spirit.

You see a replica of this phenomenon many times in your life and you come to realize that the going usually gets tough when there's something worthwhile ahead.

With this philosophy imprinted in your psyche, you may find certain occurrences difficult to embrace. For instance, if you've been single for so long and finally find someone, initially the feeling of finally finding companionship will be great. With time, this joy wanes and you begin to wonder if your choice is a good one and worth the wait. Or, could there be a better one if you waited just a little longer? You wonder if it's about picking someone and bringing the best out of that individual or a longer wait that brings the best to you.

The mind is sometimes unable to appreciate the true value of things that come easily to it, especially if it's spent so many years chasing good things longer before reaching them. And if something does come to it after a long wait, it's natural to wonder if the results were worth the wait.

By  Benjamin Nambu 

From: Ghana

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