Just A Thought

A cyst is just a cyst until it is a mass

A mass is just a mass until it is cancer

Cancer is just cancer.

Come with me 

We’ll take a walk

Laugh and cry a lot

When all is said and done

Life is just life until we get

that we are one.

There’s fun to be had, 

A song to be sung

A hop and a skip not to miss

What hurts you hurts me

Life’s triumphs are ours

Stir the pot, we’ve got lots!

Life’s a slice -

Ours to devour, digest - share

Chew on - Spit out.

Sun shines, darkness falls,

Rain, storms...We drown, we float

Run the race, glide and slide

Friends, family = everything


Until the end - when - we clearly see…

There is no end.

A cyst is just a cyst until it is a mass

A mass is just a mass until it is cancer

Cancer is just cancer.

By Fran Pearce

Instagram: franpearce3

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/holisticharmoniesca