Intimacy Of A...

Intimacy Of A Loveless Desire

Just a single thought of her

my mind races wild

that even I

can't keep up with it

at some point

I'd love to 

pluck her gentle sensual strings

with my tongue

awaken those desires

she'd buried so well

hidden away 

from the rest of the world

yet openly set bare-naked 

right before my eyes

deeply breathing an inferno

of an untamed vivid display of fire

scorching like the hottest 

of the suns

oh I don't mind

the intense heat 

that both she and I emit

feral savage appetite

making me ache even more

to kiss the addictive

wetness of her lips

and there I shall lay buried

deep within the realms

of her dreams

screaming for more

tempting, teasing each other

hearing the combustion

of her pleasured tones

of contentment over and over

until the night surrendered to dawn

and as the starlight 

was slowly replaced

with the sun's stunning rays 

glistening fiercely in the early morn'

she- peacefully slumbered

whilst quietly entangled

in the thread of our desires

tranquil in each others' arms

finally appeasing the uproar 

of such animalistic indecency 

of this loveless intimacy

By Audrine Max

From: Philippines
