I Have Moved Away

I have moved away

I have moved away from so called foulness  

From liars and opposites  

An encounter with you and I retain my self  

I am not in range of violation  

And my personal discourse has changed  

I have moved away like the breeze  

Drifting from one point to another  

I emerge out from the drenching waters  

I used to glow like fireflies in bunch before you knew me and I still shine in the dark

I kept moving and I’ve retained you  

I kept changing and I’ve changed you  

It is all in me and how I see you  

Having moved away or having still remained the same.  

By Sushant Thapa

From: Nepal

Website: https://lit-at-sushant.blogspot.com/

Instagram: Kitabikiro

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/sushant.thapa.56