I Forgot Your Name

Stan took a sip of his coffee as he glanced down to check his watch for what felt like the hundredth time. They were an hour late.

He drained his cup and waved at the passing waiter to order another cup of cappuccino. How could he do the business if these people don’t know how to value their time? This is not how things work. Frustrated, he crushed the emptied cup in his hands. A moment later, the waiter came to his table and carefully placed another cup of coffee while reaching out to take the discarded one.

The waiter glanced at Stan and asked, “anything else, sir?”

Out of his old habit, Stan looked up to study the man. The waiter had a lean body and a beaming smile lights up his face. He seemed to be a rather curious person.

Stan couldn’t help but smile back, “thank you, young man.” He said as he placed a few dollars on the table to tip the waiter for his service.

The man took the money and bowed his head. “Sir, if you don’t mind can I ask you a question?”

Stan nodded his head.

“Is there someone special that you’re waiting for, sir? You’ve been here since morning and you have glanced at your watch countless times.”

Stan arched his eyebrows. “I’ve been here since morning??”

“Yes,” the man said enthusiastically. “It was me who brought your first coffee at 10 am.”

“Oh. I don’t remember that it had been that long.” Nervously, Stan took a deep breath. He glanced at the man, “you’ve got a good eye, young man. But have you been keeping an eye on me since morning?”

The man grinned and shook his head, “no, if I have been doing that, I would have been fired hours ago.”

“Hmm, I remembered asking your name but I forgot it.”

“It’s George, sir.”

“George…” Stan handed his business card to him, “if you’re free on the weekend. Meet me up here at 5 pm. There is something I’d like you to do other than serving food.”

“What is it, sir?” George looked at the card and then at Stan, clearly puzzled by the man’s intentions.

“You will know on Sunday. And don’t mind if I forget your name again.” Stan waved off and went out of the cafe leaving George confused behind him.

By Soare Stapanire

From: India

Website: https://about.me/soare

Twitter: soare_stapanire

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Soare-Stapanire-105386841084471/