Grey Thoughts

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Here come the Spring!

A murmur in the winds,
The fluttering of the wings,
The jingling of the rings,
Say hello, here come the spring.
Waking of the bear,
Singing with cheer,
The dawning of deer,
With the first moments of the year.
Come along and sing,
And say hello, here come the spring.
The spirit of the trees,
Blooming with new leaves.
The voices at the reef,
Made by the snapping shrimp.
It’s so mesmerizing to think,
So say hello, here come the spring.
It’s time to lose your tears,
And enjoy the life, without fear.
Wait for your ship at pear,
For it to take you, far away from here.
Let the soul and mind come to sync,
Say hello, here come the spring.

By Arnab Majumdar

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