Having An Equal Right...

Having An Equal Right For Time

When a new girl arrives at school Paulie is challenged with a equal rights debate of how much of his time someone from the other side should receive


Right on the border there was a farm divided equally in half. One side was owned by Momma, Poppa, and Paulie while the other belong to another viewpoint. Appointed moderator the zebra was the acting referee in the simple farming life to a family who had a rich aristocratic history.

While tending to the eggplant garden Momma heard a boisterous scream, “Paulie,” it shouted then a pause, “I need to talk to you, now!”

Momma answered the call, “Becky Sue, is that you?”

“Momma where is Paulie?” One of Paulie’s classmates from school inquired wearing a patriotic outfit displaying devotion for her beloved village only a few miles down the road.

Not even a second past and Paulie emerged from the barn with the zebra hooked to a nylon rope, “is there something that you want Becky Sue? And may I remind you that is not your Momma.”

Gritting her teeth Becky Sue stomped over to the two who were standing still wondering if there was a problem.

“Paulie, I just heard the girl from the other side say she has a right to have an equal amount of time to spend with,” Becky Sue took a breath, “with you.”

“Do you mean the new girl at school, Lida?”

“That is what she says her name is,” Becky Sue gave a ‘I am being threatened’ glare, “she also says she lives in a big castle on the other side.”

“Yeah, it is a nice castle,” Paulie reported, “spent a night last summer there, you know my family built it for them.”

Suddenly a tearful outburst erupted, “you did what?” Becky Sue cried.

“Momma and Poppa were there,” Paulie honestly spoke, “we were visiting.”

Watching Becky Sue depart in the emotional rage made Paulie feel terrible. Pulling on the makeshift harness the teenager guided the zebra into the field where an invisible line resided noting the boundary.

“Zebra,” Paulie spoke in a very thoughtful manner, “Lida lives in a castle, I live on this farm and Becky Sue well she lives in the village, I should honor Lida’s equal right to spend time with me as a descendent of an aristocratical landowner, right?”

As the hook unfastened the zebra headed into the grassy area and Paulie waited for an answer. “Oh, I stand corrected half owner.”

It took a few minutes for the zebra to start eating a patch of green on one side,

“Okay Zebra, you are on our side of the property, that is Becky Sue’s time,” Paulie interpreted observing the zebra abruptly stop and go over to the other side, “and that is Lida’s side.” he verbally confirmed what he saw before the zebra raised its head acknowledging the opinion segment to the consultation was complete.

All three were in social studies class the next day and the teacher wrapped up the presentation, “now for tomorrow write a one-page essay comparing the two words ‘inclusion’ and ‘invasion,’ class dismissed”

Everyone stood up encouraging Paulie to diplomatically stop both Lida and Becky Sue in the hallway, “I have been thinking about the equal right time issue for you two.”

Both Lida and Becky stared at him, “and here is a schedule that I came up with,”

When lunchtime arrived, Paulie was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich prepared by the high school filled with the exact same amount of spread and jam. During the break, the future young leader looked over to another table where Becky Sue and Lida were laughing while having a discussion.

“I have to think about those two words, inclusion and invasion, anyway,” Paulie rationalized before placing the paper straw into his mouth and sipping the milk in the carton.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States

Website: https://www.austinmacauley.com/author/obrien-marc

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/marc.obrien.146