Guided By The Magic Of…

Guided by the Magic of Love to Stay Clean

Sometimes a person needs to meet a true love to realize he /she is on the wrong path and change the direction and goals.


With bottle in one hand

and pointing needle in another,

he had fallen into a Satanic net,

introduced by his best friend.

People used to say “He has golden hands”

for his fantastic skills to carve stone.

He used to build houses; created steps

telling stories with art. Then, he fell into hell.

People began passing by,

like he doesn’t exist, throwing coins,

leaving him in the mist of his own mind.

Then a beautiful girl came into his life.

“Get up, get up! You don’t deserve

to live in such swamp.” 

Her clean sky-blue eyes

changed the beat of his heart.

“What is this? Love?” – 

He was afraid to think. But he tried, 

and tried, and tried…to stay clean.

He was support by his heart.

One day he stood up, 

the same as he used to be.

The chisel was steady in his hands, 

the hummer sung a song of love. 

He carved his dream – her face,

her smile, her clean sky-blue eyes.

His heart guided him with the magic of love.

And he proposed with a ring.

By Petrouchka Alexieva