
This poem is about grief that has resulted in the life of the speaker because of faithless world. He tries to solve it expecting support from his nearest and dearest, but finds them totally indifferent to it. He finds himself helpless even at the door of spirituality. Ultimately, he feels that the flow of tears that shed uncontrollably from his eyes comfort his weeping heart momentarily.


Grief results in human beings unwillingly,

Long cherished dreams dash to pieces terribly,

You strive to overcome it with utmost effort,

But, friends and relatives turn away with no support,

Seldom your sore of grief is healed up with fake compassion,

Fester it has been with constant deception,

Spirituality you seek as an only way out,

But even it turns away with no doubt,

Ruined and helpless, you feel, fate has made,

Flow of tears, for your breaved heart , uncontrollably shed.

By Rajan Dutta

From: Nepal