Good Intentions

What do I know about symbolism? I know, that people who find power residing in them, follow them blindly - be it a flag, an emblem or a word - disregarding all reason and dialogue. Anyone opposing their symbols is an enemy, unless of course their enemy is one of yours. Some justify any brutality under their symbol, no matter how much the deed is against their own symbolic fundamentals. Followers of symbols are therefore the worst hypocrites and their own worst enemies, as anyone with a clear mind sees them for what they really are. They also undermine their own symbols, by not following their core beliefs.

Symbols give them the feeling of belonging, the feeling of being part of something greater and worthwhile. It often offers them an escape from otherwise meaningless and substance deprived existence, like a hobby to focus on, to distract from the troubles in their lives - the real ones. Symbols give them a justification to discard all other duties and responsibilities, the welcome escape from hardships.

Followers of symbols are often used to put blame on societally - put people under a symbol and they are automatically labelled by the extremists among them, making every good deed ever done under their banner redundant. They end up fighting each other, for the benefit of no one. Symbols that have strong core beliefs and strict guidelines, will always prevail over others - becoming totalitarian is always at the root of any symbol.

I am not a follower of any symbols myself, nor do I have a hobby I find compelling enough to justify my absence - unless of course writing is one. Trying to keep my writing as neutral as possible doesn't attract a following, nor does it offer any banner for extremists to carry in to the fray - therefore I do not belong, nor do I want to. I do however, feel the need for discussion and exchange of ideas, always.

By ThatOneFinnishGuy

From: Finland
