Germ vs Terrain Theory

Non-isolated viruses successfully treated with parasite medication?


I have found a theory that has tipped the scale for me, between Germ and Terrain, in lieu of the illness causing humanity a hefty and debilitating fee...

I have always known we need germs in order for creation to be, as we each have about a 100 trillion bacteria and about 1/2 a million viruses that we can’t see!

Flu season falls in the colder months, with 5 consuming “Feastidays” loading our vessels with an aluminum, Fluoride (rat poison) and Glyphosate (weed killer) three...

Stress and intoxicating pleasures compile, our body’s evacuate toxins, for an illusion the illness is "Jumping body’s,” when It’s likely a collective environmental key!

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Parler/Gab: traceydoesrhymetime