Future Fortunes

To know or not to know.... a delima we all face at some point of time! It's how we handle the information given to us that will make or break Us!


Future Fortunes....

Fortune telling is an Ancient Art... or a Gift!

Seeing What comes next and How?

Some of us would like to Know... but to some the Unknown about the Future is what keeps them moving on!

Everything needs a Balance.... to know or not to know? To know in Moderation.... will keep your life in Balance.

Knowing without obsessing is the best way to go.

And the ones happy not knowing....can live a life where "Ignorance is Bliss."

To some who see the future it can be a scary experience at first... but with time you begin to understand and learn how to use the information given to you for the highest good of others and all concerned. Helping more People... spreading more Joy and Positivity.

By Ksvjnr

From: India

Website: https://thoughtinspiring.blogspot.com

Instagram: ksv_jr

Twitter: ksvjnr

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