Forced Truth

Where past meets present and may be foretelling our future...


On April 15, 2022, is the 17 year honoring of the more than 60,000 Native children that were victims of genocide, at the Canadian “Indian residential schools and hospitals” and after unfathomable torture, tossed in a deep demon hole...

Spoken memories of the survivors, has eventually forced out the “Truth,” of how the innocents were murdered between 1891 and 1996, by a complete breakdown of soul, the disintegration of their families, heritage and drug experiment toll...

Current drugs supported by experiments performed on children, have been banned under “International Law” and it is required for “We the People” to permanently withdraw, while they are “Regrouping,” to harvest their billion dollar payroll...

Churches involved are banished by law and assets seized, as partial reparations and collection of those with “Hands On” involvement will stand in “Divine Judgment,” knowing the game of “Last Call Absolution,” doesn’t include hearts of coal...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Gab, Fuzia, Our Social Matrix and The Cultivated Fool: traceydoesrhymetime