Embracing Isolation Diary Entry

Dear Diary September 13 2020 or 2013

Today life has changed yet again. That I write about this in a journal of a wondering mind on prose is wonderful.

They say one lives in reality long enough you forget. I must admit that I have been in isolation since 1983. Meaning I have had to live within my mind since that date or prior. I embraced living within myself then. So embracing isolation now not having left the house since March has not really been that hard.

Embracing my mind has opened up an adventure that I have been living out. I have of course written about my experience. No one believes me. Heck if I read the ramblings of my journal I at times do not believe me. That is why I use references and hyperlinks more and more these days because what was there yesterday changes today and hence afterwards. Meaning?

The latest reality major change for me? In Isolation I purchased a large television. Daewood is something like a 3 foot by 4 foot television screen. So? Well it was Daewood when I turned the television on the first two days. I watched Stranger Things the whole television series within two days. Bored? Sure I suppose. The next day? I watched Travelers. So? My freaking television now says Daewoo. I weirded out a bit. I assure you that isolation is fine with me. Just reality has changed yet again.

To embrace this isolation of my mind. I sort of gave up on counting all the changes that are happening around me these days. That I am at a 89 degree versus straight parallel from where I was at is sort of nuts to me.

Meaning? My house that I am at now sits at an 89 degree angle. It makes no sense to me. I asked why the stairs were cut that way. The answer because of the terrain? I look at them like they are nuts. That answer does not explain why my straight staircase now tilts.

That my mountain is hidden from me is wild. Instead of 101 miles away the mountain moves in kilometers and is only 89 kilometers or over a hill these days because I used to be able to see it.

Does that mean I was closer in my real reality or here? That I am no longer even sure where here is kind of wild.

With that said what else? Oh, that my associates are discussing something that either is or is not there makes isolation even greater. Meaning? I think a store that I enjoyed has gone or never existed here. Which is awkward and absurd yet I am assured by one person it is not there while another person says they visited it last week.

Beyond this? I stay inside my mind. I’m isolated in my mind. Embracing living inside myself is all that is possible for there is no real reality these days.

By Clinton Siegle

From: Bolivia

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