Distance Distance Acrostic

My quest in finding out where I am at.


Distance, they say space measures distance?

I speculate distance is subjective these days.

Since, I was in a galaxy that was 377,000 light years in diameter.

Time according “Wondering mind through multiverse” a few years ago.

Audience laughed, I pointed out that I did a copy paste from the internet.

Now the real question am I insane?

Chance might be or did I not know how to copy paste?

Emotionally, the drain of watching reality change.

Distance is a question on my mind these days.

I doubt I am the same size I was when I began.

Silly me, did I fall down the rabbit hole?

Time, it is a question on my mind.

Answer me this or Mandela effect me, what color is the sun?

Nonsense it is bright white.

Chances are you do not remember it being yellow?

Eternity is a question on my mind.

By Clinton Siegle

From: Bolivia

Website: https://theprose.com/post/92852/journal-of-a-wondering-mind-through-the-multiverse

Facebook URL: https://www.minds.com/Talon123/