Deep Breath

A journey in life. 


As he walks along, the long darkened path, a flash of light strikes as rain begins to fall. 'The storm is coming'. His eyes look around the dark clouds up above in search of some light. Nothing except blackness.

He marches on. The torrential hail batters ferociously on his head. He marches on. He falls in the dirty swamps of mud. He climbs out and marches on. He wants to give up. He marches on.

His legs are burning with exhausting step after step. Finally a break in the clouds. He marches on. The sun begins to smile through with glorious rays. He marches on. He sees a heaven in not to far. He marches on.

He arrives at his destination. The place he is destined for. After the rough journey. After all the marching. After the pain. He has arrived.

By Jordan Howat

From: United Kingdom

Twitter: Jordanhowat