Christmas In July

When a wintry night invades Poppa, Momma and Paulie's summer evening a festive party ensues around the fireplace


Despite midway between the seventh and eighth month, a winter snap visited the peacefully divided border area. Acting on a whim, Poppa drafted Paulie along with the zebra’s cart pulling expertise, commissioning them for clearing tricky tree debris plaguing the hiking path.

Returning home, the skies started darkening and Paulie noticed smoke leaving Princess Lida’s chimney, “it must be freezing at the castle,” Paulie quietly commentated.

“It’s the same there as it is here,” Poppa replied.

“Maybe we should start a fire like they are doing,” Paulie suggested.

“But Paulie its summer, we should be keeping the doors and windows open allowing fresh air to waltz in then out,”

Upon arrival at the cottage, they both adjusted their work gloves before tending to the branches and twigs. When a cool breeze entered the scene, Poppa changed his mind, “I think we should start an indoor campfire, like we would if we were roughing it sleeping outdoors.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Paulie agreed, and they began bringing the discarded wood straight towards the fireplace. After the zebra retired, stall resting, the two struck a match cueing the flames, ‘dance away’.

Momma approached the situation, “what are you doing?” She inquired.

“Having an indoor campfire,” Poppa exclaimed.

“Telling scary stories about the other side,”

“Well, that sounds like fun,” Momma commentated, “I should get marsh mellows.”

“Good idea,” Paulie acknowledged, “why is it so cold?”

Seeing Momma rummage, around the kitchen then towards his son wanting an innocent answer Poppa reflected internally about the decisions he made, not proceeding down the royal route, discarding self-believed monarch duties for love, “I do not know,”

“Do you think it’s the other side’s doing?”

“I think it’s the television meteorologist,” Momma laughed handing over the bag with marsh mellows, “here, it’s Christmas in July,”

“I saw holiday items already at the general store,” Poppa reported.

“Did you buy any?”

“Actually, they were half price,”

“Truthfully, I think this is all God sending a message,” Momma mentioned.

“What message?”

“Poppa should think about what he is going to gift wrap for me under the tree,” Momma declared.

As the popping crackles performed their song and dance routine, the family watched the reddish yellow display. “This is nice,” Momma stated not needing any response.

Suddenly, the door bell sounded, and Momma quickly hurried over, pulling the knob, revealing village school kids led by gypsy Becky Sue. “What can I do for you all?” Momma offered hearing them serenading roasted chestnuts song lyrics.

“Come you two we have a carolers, tonight.”

When the festive entertainment ended Paulie gave them all a stick and one fluffy marsh mellow, “hi Paulie,” Becky Sue greeted,

“Why do you think God is making it cold?” Paulie asked.

“I think God,” Becky Sue paused, “wants our community to come closer and enjoy each other’s warmth,”

“Okay everybody,” Momma shouted, “I have pinata here and a mistle toe over there, who wants a whack and who wants,”

“Well Paulie, why did God make it so cold tonight?” Becky Sue tease fully repeated.

“I think God likes using central air condition,” Paulie concluded, and the two kids grabbed left over timber before combatting the stuffed zebra filled with discounted unwanted candy from last year.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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