
“Bright sun rises. The day happens. Night darkness descends”. He thought as his breath whistled through his teeth upon released. Sitting on his rocky outcrop in front of his cave again he was feeling disillusioned with the life of a sanyasi. The sun filled the space of the valley with its usual majestic grace. Even this didn't inspire him as it used to, the valley full, rich, and green has lost its magic.

He sighed once more as he prepared to walk to the village for his monthly supplies. A variety of thoughts ran through his mind “am I making a difference, if I am how do I know, what would be the signs”.

He joined the line of the other sanyasis as they headed towards the village. He stood in the village square looking, watching, and wondering why he always felt angry and uneasy here. It was a peaceful village where the surrounding market gardeners sold their produce and there was always a group of children playing soccer. His eyes fell upon the line where the sanyasis received their supplies that were donated by the villages.

As he ventured towards the line of sannyasi the soccer ball knocked him to the ground. The children ran over to help him up, they chattered with embarrassment. Clamouring to his feet he noticed a flyer pin to a pole. It read “are you making a difference, how do you know you're making a difference, what would be the signs?”

He searched for the place that was mentioned on the flyer, as he was curious to find the answers. He stood at the back of the hall listening to the sister, dressed in white. During her talk she explained how to experience the true self by dispelling the myths one holds about the self, how to make a difference and the signs of the difference one makes.

A wave of contentment washed over him. He no longer had a desire for isolation.

By Jennifer Forrest

From: Australia