But, What If the System Is Completely Broken?

 just about now… 

The protesters are milling around, trying to get organized…

Many of them aren’t quite sure what they’ll be protesting about…

Signs are passed out—a few folks leave in a huff—a few shrug—most get ready to march…

The protest goes through its planned course and only five people are injured—by resisting arrest…

The news feeds carry the angst-ridden stories of the protesters and their seemingly hopeless opposition to the government…


 a few years from now… 

The protesters mill around, trying to get organized…

Many of them don’t care what they’ll be protesting about…

Signs are passed out—a few folks pass out from drugs—a few die on the wayside—most get ready to march…

The protest goes through its planned course and only 50 people are killed…

The news feeds carry the ponderous stories of the oh, so pitiful protesters and their stunningly dangerous opposition to the government…


As the protests dwindled, so did the government—almost as if they needed each other…


All through the years, below most radars, a much more humble yet powerful movement was building—slowly, patiently, compassionately…

They left the crumbling government alone—they unified neighborhoods—they became a pattern for a new society…

We are left here to wonder if they won their well-labored goals—if they became a family of kindred souls living happily in their new world…

Whispers from the future tell the tale of the whole earth healing—the whole of humanity belonging to one family—the governing done from the bottom up…

By Alexander Zoltai

From: United States

Website: https://nfaa.wordpress.com/

Twitter: AlexZ80365313