Bad Taste

Did you know?


We are a run on experiment for GMO’s, where it stops, nobody knows, but a harmful study of slicing and dicing a gene, by us, would never be seen; Aspartame engulfs our teens, anticipating their first kiss, buying gum to freshen breath and diet soda claiming to slim, causing obesity, disease within and Alzheimer’s starts at puberty; A warning to call poison control, for the swallow of a pea size dab of “Bubble Gum” toothpaste, but 40% of a tube, can be fatal, when you’re out of view...

HPMC (E464), a versatile wood cellulose filler, not digestible, but high in fiber, glucose free, bakery filler, extra creamy, coating shredded cheese, filler for pills, eye drops and spray for your nose, stabilize paint, cement, plastic, cosmetics and all APPROVED, with arsenic, led, mercury and cadmium in the stew, but it must be good for you...

More than two million tons of citric acid is manufactured every year, our number one preservative filling the shelves of our grocery stores and sounds organic in one’s ear, but I think the public might absolutely EXPLODE, if they knew the real name is “GMO Black Mold” residue...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Gab, Fuzia and The Soul Matrix: traceydoesrhymetime