
No assistance for you. That is what the letter stated from the state of Utah. I had just got off the phone to make an appointment only to discover that the state health insurance plan had cancelled all 12 of my appointments. Sort wild. No letter, no phone call. I had called to ask for the prescription to be refilled and found out that my scheduled eye surgery had been unscheduled in fact canceled. I called health insurance plan and they said I was cancelled. I asked for a reason or for someone to talk to about this. I got the run around after five hours, four of which I Was onhold. I got back to the original lady who had said she could do nothing and there was no help. I laughed. I called the state. Evidently Obamacare had stretched their budget and I was supposed to go back to work.

That I had no foot. No wheelchair paid for. That I could not see and I was not sleeping for the past three months even with the drugs Michael Jackson took seemed no concern for them. I was considered cut off. Their answers talk with the federal government.

I called them again. After two hours hold. I was told to wait. This was October. They told me whenI had my medical review I should know in September. I was wondering how other people less financially saved up lived and figured many did not. I kept being asked, are you suicidal the only thing I was mad and angry about? At whom? Let's say I can name the people.

So? I used credit cards to live through November and December. Finally January came and since I was blind in one eye poof I was granted disability. Thank God. I paid off my two months of living on credit cards and was back to living month to month.

I made plans to go live closer to people I knew. My first attempt to get Obamacare cost 840 dollars for my family and me. Wild. That was not even with co-pays or meds. Meaning the insurance alone would have taken up more than third of my disposable income. Putting me in the poor house to live.

So I made plans. I got a rental. Instead of doing what I asked people to do and instead of costing me less than 1500 some 4000 dollars later I ended up giving my car away because the person supposedly helping me ran into the U Haul. Sometimes I wonder about life.

From there things went downhill. When I asked to go places with the people instead of doing whatI paid them to do, I got stuck with the bills again. So I planned a vacation. I figure after two hospice stays I deserve a vacation along with the family. Off to Disney world and then to my wife’s family. When we got to Orlando instead allowing me to do what I needed to do? I ended up in the hotel while the kids, which included my wife, went to Universal and Disney world. Not that I am complaining about that. I do not like lines. It is one of my worst jokes with my kids.

We would be planning Disney world or something and I said yep today is the day. Then end up shopping and in a line waiting to check out. I would start the wave and say hey we are inline. Oh daddy this is no fun. I think they got that idea.

Anyway, upon getting down to my mother in laws I found out a last piece of disability which no one talks about that states tax social security too. Meaning? My income tax in my state would cost me more than 10 visits to my doctor in Bolivia. So I just stayed in Bolivia and left my stuff to whomever gets stuff I guess. Such is life for me.

When people say this could have been avoided or such. I look at their reasoning an say I still get job offers. The problem? My eyesight or my mind. Meaning? People do not believe my stories about numbers, dates, etc changing. One day the battle of Hastings happened 1006 the next 1066 and then 996. When did the battle happen? I have no idea anymore and I do not wish to look it up to see what has changed today. So? I am a scheduler and to be off by 60 or 10 years means my 160k job would not last that long. The other problem? Thinks move. I talk about here. However that is not all. My eyesight is so bad at times I walk into walls that either were not there a moment ago or I just did not see them.

What else? I know several people that according to my memories of 2014 and 2015 when I wrote muse poetry were supposedly dead there. Now? Miracle of miracle the ladies are live. And? Well, I am just explaining my problem. Seems like your crazy. Sounds good. My wife after hearing tell this story to her in 2016 took me 17 doctors 16 of them confirmed I was still disabilited the 17 one a shrink. I think I freaked him out. The first time we spoke he said you need to see me weekly. I sort of got mad. And well I proved to him a few of my stories. Then?/ He gave me some rather mind altering drugs and did not ask me to come back. What did I tell him? You know how people confide in people at times? He did the first time. And when I asked what he told the soul or person or demon ahead of me. I told him a few things he left out or did not feel comfortable talking about. To seal the deal I told him why the mountain had moved that day and you ever noticed those eyes popping movie scenes. I think he thought I was magic because at that moment my eye twinkled and he to saw something.

So I got stuck in Bolivia while Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were running for office. To be honest I think Bernie might actually do some good in a different way so I joined the democratic party which I think I am still a registered member and volunteered. You were in Bolivia, what could you do? I am me. I do things. Why? I did things in my career. I am just that type of person. Once that was done I lost complete vision for a time in 2016 regaining it back in 2017. Then I did a small music film that got into six film festivals. In 2018 the censorship wherever I was was wild so I sort of left Facebook and went to Minds. There September 29, 2018 to September 29, 2020 I got 4.5 million views. Writing what I used to write about my world. Except I wrote with more passion I feel there. My pirate stories were alive. Here I worry that I lost something. People laugh who reads pirate stories? To this I say there were close to 2 million people and several thousand trolls that enjoyed pestering my ill conceived Ender the pirate stories.

So, people say a time traveler, disabilied blonde guy. Maybe you should do something else? Oh, I do. I have plans. My recent one is to go after censorship. To be honest to be blocked in trying to post in a group I just started to share my interviews is my latest story. From there? I have plans. The time of tribulation is what I believe I am seeing. Sure you can laugh and laugh. Just realize if I tell the truth some of you will end up in worlds where Biden wins, somewhere Trump wins, and somewhere there is something else that will happen soon enough. You see I know that December 2017 in some realities Hawaii was nuked. So I am here to assist you I suppose. Be prepared for an ending. My assistance? My stories these days.

By Clinton Siegle

From: Bolivia


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