Action-Reaction: Prologue

Wearing only silk pajamas, a mid-length smoking jacket and shower shoes he stepped off the porch and trudged aimlessly toward the newspaper in the middle of the driveway. Since his wife’s death the paper was no longer at his breakfast place on the back veranda. He wondered how many times she had retrieved the paper, prepared his breakfast and readied the children for school while he slept an additional fifteen minutes, showered, and ate a solitary breakfast. Years he guessed. He wondered if he missed the company or the servitude.

This was a great day. Depending on the outcome of today’s election he might own a major City Administrator. His adviser had suggested the donation. “A sizable campaign donation given to the right person would be a prudent decision,” he had said. Like several other recommendations this proved the value of his friend. They had discussed many issues; each had positively affected his financial status. In some instances he had sidestepped poor investments; in other instances he had profited substantially through risky acts. This was one of the riskiest but a funds transfer from one off-shore account to another completed the transaction and guaranteed anonymity.

The car coming toward him up the long driveway roused his curiosity not his concern. Since his wife’s recent death several visitors had arrived at virtually all hours to check on his well being and offer their condolences. However, this vehicle was different. The ugly mustard color, low-rider shock absorbers, and the ultra-dark windows meant the vehicle did not belong to any of his high brow acquaintances.

The car pulled up beside him and stopped but the doors remained closed. He stared at the car as the passenger-side window lowered and the gun was extended to within his reach. Thirteen of the seventeen 9mm rounds from the Glock 19 Magazine whose brass casings were discovered in the driveway were removed from his chest during autopsy.

By Robert L. Scarry

From: United States

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