A Recipe Proposal

While searching through Momma's office Paulie and Becky Sue find the true meaning behind the 'recipe proposal'


A call came from the kitchen encouraging Paulie to respond immediately, “could you go into my office and search for a recipe I have on file from the old country?”

“You mean from the other side,”

“Yes, Paulie from across the border.”

“Come,” Paulie summoned villager Becky Sue, allowing the pair into the dark room filled with a couch and desk. Turning on the lights, a global world map with pins pressed into different countries displayed many family adventures, “what is that?” The friendly inquiry questioned.

“All the places Momma and Poppa have traveled to,” Paulie honestly reported, “green means we all three went.”

While Paulie sifted through piles, Becky Sue found herself sitting in the executive chair, “Paulie these pictures, under the glass, look it's you on the log water coaster ride."

“Yup, they went everywhere,” a voice sounded in the dark, while curiosity teased the preadolescent girl, transfixing her attention on the photo album.

Coming across one showing, a young Momma and Poppa posing next to a military statue the image captured Becky Sue’s imagination, “Who was the statue?”

“That is my Great Grandfather, Poppa wanted his blessing’s when he asked Momma to marry him.”

“Did Momma say, yes?”

“Of course, she did and then they took the statue down a few months later,”

“You learn so much travelling,” Becky Sue sat back closing her eyes and when they opened the whole scene played out like a movie.

Inside a restaurant, Poppa reached into his pocket and touched the felt protecting the jewelry container.

“You didn’t travel far tonight?” Momma interrupted the gesture.

“I was on this side doing diplomatic business,” Poppa answered.

“And you just wanted to join me for dinner?” She carefully addressed, “Do you like the meal? You ordered,”

“It is quite good?”

“True story,” Momma recounted, “when they first opened up, my family gave them the recipe for what you are devouring.”

“This,” Poppa tried to confirm, “it’s very good.”

“It comes from a recipe we discovered while travelling,”

“You travel, so do we,”

“Yes, and we take pictures to prove it,” Momma defended.

Smiling Poppa returned reaching into his pocket, “Well, I had one more thing on my diplomatic agenda,”

Throwing his arms up in frustration, Paulie stood up, “I can’t find it, let’s go,”

Agreeing Becky Sue followed him back to the kitchen, “Momma, it’s not there, sorry.”

“That is all right,” Momma turned around, “Princess Lida, here brought it.”

Grinning Princess Lida defended, “just travelling through Prince Paulie and magically the recipe appeared. What can I say?”

“Cool,” Paulie stated.

“Do you two ladies want to stay for dinner?” Momma invited.

“Sure,” the two RSVP and enjoyed the comped dinner

By Marc OBrien

From: United States

Website: https://www.austinmacauley.com/author/obrien-marc

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