A Quality Airing Out

After an environmental disaster a leadership family due to land ownership prepare to attend a meeting with the villagers


Despite his youthful age Paulie still fulfilled the obligations to have all the harness leather in the right place when hooking up the Zebra to the family transportation carriage. After making sure everything was secure, he called out, “Momma, Poppa, ready and set to go!”

Due to the clear sunshine weather Poppa let the screen door close before taking a glimpse at the two modern day structures down the sandy path where the enemy boasted energy and power.

“Poppa, why are we not taking the auto?” Momma requested, “It would be faster. Don’t Ya think?”

“Villager’s need to know that we are still respectable to the past especially these days when no one knows what brought our lifestyles to a halt last month.”

“Nothing stopped for me, Poppa,” Momma reported as she got to the bottom of the steps, “we never stopped picking berries and growing zucchini.”

“Villagers love our eggplants,” Poppa smiled knowing the work situation did not have them violating any safety warning measures issued from a foreign government.

Just like his Father Paulie was also concerned about the cement fixtures that stared down their farm with an eyesore glare and was just another issue in a heated angry past filled with debates fueling distrust between the countries.

“Poppa, you do not think those two pillars out there neighboring our spiritual protest of tortured image statements was the reason we had to stay in doors?”

Pulling an orange carrot from the pocket Poppa opened his flat hand and showed the zebra the treat, “What do you think? You are wearing the referee’s black and white; your housing is right in the middle of these ugly attitudes that created one feud.”

“Yeah, we are still lucky to have our garden,” Momma commented while taking a passenger seat.

“God, was with us,” Paulie stated, “he guided us with strength and protected our crops.”

“Now, now Momma, those structures do have purpose with power and energy,” Poppa was being honest taking a comfortable place next to his wife, “and we are not 100% sure that was the reason.”

“And that is why we are going to the village to talk to the people at the meeting house,” Paulie picked up the reigns to communicate with the zebra.

“An environmental disaster that no one could see or touch,” Momma added, “but boy did we feel it.”

As Paulie gave a clucking click the Zebra started to walk Poppa had one last reflective moment towards the horrific mystery looming in the distance, “do you think those people from the city inside our box with antennas will be there?”

“I do not know, Poppa but those newspaper kids should,” Momma answered while Paulie took control making sure they were traveling safely during uncertain times.

“Well, it is going to be their community in the future,” Poppa said as the family who had leadership duties due to owning property headed to hear others speak.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States

Website: https://www.austinmacauley.com/author/obrien-marc

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/marc.obrien.146