A Man With Integrity

"A Man With Integrity" is a poem about a man who takes value in taking care of his family.

He has a compassionate heart and stands up for his beliefs.

He puts his family first.


He's a man with integrity

who stands up to challenges.

He's strong willed

with a compassionate heart.

He puts his family first

through hard work,

love and devotion.

No matter the task

he's determined to succeed.

He has a fun-loving personality

which is admired by others.

He's a stand up man

who loves every moment

of the day.

By Brenda Arledge

Website: https://hubpages.com/@brendaarledge

Instagram: brendajarledge

Twitter: aug10cj

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.arledge.3?mibextid=ZbWKwL