A Glimpse

The veil can't disguise the lies anymore...


I would like to try and present a glimpse into the “Thinning of the Veil,” just to bring awareness to the progression of defilement that has been bubbling over from what has been covertly hidden and the fester we must recognize and shine a light on, in order to prevail...

Halloween is the favorite satanic holiday, with all in disguise, running and screaming children knock on the doors of strangers, asking for candy that began to be tainted, so parents adjusted to home parties and mall treating, rather than loose more children on a massive scale!

Then we have the lies of war, with both sides paid by the same face and our own being the casualties, before they even leave home base, with being the experimental pin cushions, all signed and sealed for a chemical explore, to see if they drop before the “POP,” in their last exhale...

We also have centuries of child/human trafficking/harvesting, that people deny is the #1 plan, from drug addict, big letter agencies, government and royalty on a free ride from their tainted blood letting hands, with rape and ritual statements dismissed, without avail...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Gab, Fuzia and The Cultivated Fool: traceydoesrhymetime