A Perfect Moment
/The hot sun
Melting in a palette
Of reds, oranges and
Golds sinking below
The horizon, the
Deep blue black
Velvet of the
Midnight sky dotted
With pinpricks of
Stars and lit with
A silvery moon,
The elegant step of
A deer emerging
Out of a forest of
Tall and mighty
Green trees, the
Lilting notes of
Songbirds amidst
The raucous caws of
Shiny black crows,
The softest feel of
The cheek of a
Newborn child, the
Perfume of the
Blooming roses and
Lilacs so heavy in the
Air, the first taste of
A favourite food to
Quell one's hunger
Or crystal clear
Water that quenches
A thirst, the touch of
A beloved, all so
Beautiful yet
Doomed to fade into
An imperfect
Memory that dims
Over time but for
That one moment
Was my world.
By Gail Constable
From: Canada
Instagram: witch_of_words1955