Death at 30: Update 2020

So basic update, the apocalypse began early this year. It’s very boring and very slow. A mutant virus broke out of what could only be described as the real-world Umbrella Corporation and infected a large portion of the world’s population. But instead of creating mutants or zombies, it created sheep and bigots. So… Yeah, that was unexpected. I’m also not sure there is even…

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Death at 30

Ten years ago to this day, I decided that if I’m just as unimpressed with life as I was then by the time I’m 30 I would take my life in some exciting fashion. Maybe walk off a building or perhaps blow my brains out in a public way. I’m 27 years old now and still pretty tired of everything life has to offer. Often times I find happiness for what feels like the blink of an eye and it’s gone just like that. Moments of the illusion of joy or hope and it’s over as quickly as it’s started. This is a pattern my life has had since I was a child. Since I escaped my abusive childhood and decided to cut my own way…

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