The Quietitude …

The Quietitude Of My Observation

The coloured thoughts whispered

Every time a thought of creation

Unfolded, trying to squeeze into

The being, many fragments layered

Their own, painted within the colours,

Being pauciloquent, ricocheting at

Will, when no response was heard,

The crescendo vacillated, screamed

Aloud, remained silent with stillness

Within me, a voice breathed aloud,

Observing the observation, knighted

The night, delving into the deep

Crevices, I layered the thoughts,

Healing them with a smile, the fragment

Sighed and left, never to glance again,

With the flow, the observation was sans

The thought, the nigh went far away,

The silence breathed in silence.

By Orbindu Ganga

From: India

Instagram: ordinary_is_beautiful