The Path…

The Path Before The Mountain

The rocky path before the mountain we climb.


The mountain. It's all in his head. The stress. The rage and anger. The hurt and pain. It is an uphill, burning battle. Again, it's all in his head. That is what he is told to believe when everything around him just oozes out with evidence that this is a reality for him. Not just 'in his head'. 

The path he walks down has many different routes. He struggles to find himself. He looks around for some significant direction, none to be seen. He walks down a path that seems natural to him, a path he has seen his elders walk down. This is not the right path for him. Unknowingly walking the long way around to his desire, the path becomes foggy as a winter wind breezes in.

Broken bricks and ruined buildings remind him of a time when things were simpler. When he was younger. This is not the place he was looking to arrive at. His face gets red as his lips tremble and tears slowly fill up his eyelids. 'Hold it together', he says to himself as he thinks for a moment. He looks around him for another path. 

In the distance, he can see a path leading off the path which he is on. Which tells him he must stay on this path for now. As much as he doesn’t want to, he knows this is his only option. Keep pushing on. Walking past the constant reminders of somewhere he used to know. People he used to know. He knows his choices will be worth it. 

The new path arrives. A breakaway from the path he has desired to leave. 'The path of hope, finally!' He says as he looks back. Leaving all his fears, tears, and struggles behind him, he steps on to the path towards the mountain. He knows the mountin will be the biggest challenge, though this is the path that he has chosen, not the path that chose him.

The new path brings light, simple steps, and focus to his new chapter. His mind opens up, seeing new opportunities on the horizon. The mountin is far in the distance. His path has all the right bricks in the right place. He is making his journey of his choice, ready to climb the mountain the right way.

By Jordan Howat

From: United Kingdom

Instagram: Jordan.howat

Twitter: Jordanhowat