The Better Man

Andrea Murray followed her friends down the city-centre high street. It was such a laugh going shopping with her friends. While her husband Steve was glued to the football scores at home, she would go out enjoying herself with her friends. They had been married for just over a decade and while married life wasn’t exactly exciting, she wasn’t unhappy with things either. 

A man walking towards them seemed to stare at her as he approached. Andrea tried to avoid his gaze, unsure quite what his intentions were. As he neared them, Andrea just hoped he wasn’t going to try and sell them something. He looked the smarmy sales type, in his crisp white shirt and slacks, and the huge designer watch on his wrist. That watch must have cost more than her car. She ducked her head down and tried to pass him, when he spoke. 

‘Andrea, is that you?’ he asked.

The voice certainly was familiar. She turned to face him, while her friends looked on, suddenly intrigued. 

‘Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t-’ Andrea started.

‘It’s James Asquith.’ 

The name brought everything flooding back. Andrea and James had dated a couple of years before she and Steve had met. He had been quite the young businessman back in the day, and clearly done well for himself in the years since. Their relationship had fizzled out the way these things do. James had often been away with work and their lives had simply taken them in different directions. 

‘Yes, of course, James. Wow, how are you doing?’ She asked.

‘Yeah, things are great, actually. Business is good.’ James beamed. ‘What about you, what have you been upto?’

‘Erm, well, I work in an office. Married to Steve, no kids but have a cat called George Harrison. My husband is a Beatles fan, what can I say?’ She laughed.

James nodded, listening intently, his gaze never leaving hers. She felt her cheeks blush under the scrutiny. He checked the time on his expensive watch.

‘Sorry, must dash. I’m in meetings all afternoon.’ He said.

He pulled his car keys from his pocket, and headed to the kerb. As Andrea and her friends looked on he climbed behind the wheel of a gleaming black sports car and headed away into the flowing city-centre traffic.

‘Who was that?’ one of her friends asked.

‘The one that got away.’ Another friend suggested. 

When Andrea got back home, James was still on her mind. She made a cup of tea and flopped on the sofa beside her husband. When Steve asked how her afternoon had gone, Andrea explained that she’d had a lovely afternoon, but didn’t mention James. She told herself there was nothing to say about bumping into her ex-boyfriend, but really she knew there were feelings there that she did not want to admit even to herself.

While Steve watched the football results on television, Andrea pottered on her mobile phone. She scrolled through social media as usual. Without thinking, and with James still on her mind, she checked out his profiles on social media.

She felt a pang of what-might-have-been as she checked out the snap-shots of James’ life. He lived in a leafy suburb on the outskirts of city. She couldn’t help comparing exclusive village of Charlton, to the inner-city run-down area she lived. And looking at the posts, he seemed to be always dining in Manchester’s most swanky restaurants. His profile also listed that he was single. 

That evening as she watched a film on television with her husband, Steve, and dined on take-away pizza straight out of the box, she can’t stop thinking about her ex, and the luxurious life-style.

If things had been different, she could have been married to him and be part of his flash life-style. Her thoughts are interrupted by her husband speaking.

‘There’s a car-boot sale on the park at weekend. Fancy going?’ Steve said.

Andrea tried to hide her disdain. There’s no way her ex-boyfriend would be spending his Saturday morning trawling second-hand junk. James would probably be playing tennis at the sports club before lunching with friends. 

His life just seemed so glamorous compared to the drudgery of her life with Steve. She tossed a pizza-crust back in the box and replied ‘whatever’, and stared at the film on television. 

‘Surely there has to be more to life than take-away pizza and a film.’ She said with a sigh.

‘We could get a Chinese take-away next week, if you like?’ Steve said.

Andrea simply shook her head.

In the days that followed, Andrea found herself studying James’ social media accounts more and more. She felt herself becoming more and more fascinated with the life of her business-man ex-boyfriend. On her lunch-break at work she would eagerly check out James’ latest posts. She had to stop herself from liking and commenting the posts. 

She scrolled back through his previous posts, digging deeper and deeper. She was getting a real sense of the life he was leading. There were holidays to the Far East, weekend breaks to Paris and Italy. James even flew to Dublin to buy a watch from an exclusive store. 

While she did love Steve, of course she did, there was something so alluring, so seductive about James. She was fascinated and intrigued by the life her ex-boyfriend was living. 

One evening she noticed that Steve had posted on social media that he would be in the city centre for a theatre play that weekend. She smiled. That was so James, an evening of culture at the theatre. 

The theatre show was on Friday evening. Something occurred to her. Steve was out with friends on Friday night. They were going to see some ridiculous super-hero film at the cinema. That in itself spoke of the difference between Steve and James. 

Andrea decided she too would go out on Friday night. When she mentioned to Steve that she might pop out for a drink with the girls on Friday while he was at the cinema, she tried to make it sound as casual and laid-back as she could. 

As Friday neared, Andrea went over her plan for the evening. Attached to the theatre was a bar that those going to see a show frequented. The bar would be packed before the play started, and then empty once the show got under way, as the theatre-goes filed into the auditorium. That would be the perfect spot to ‘accidentally’ bump into James.

Steve was meeting his friends for food in a burger bar near the cinema. They would grab burger and fries before the film. Andrea wished him a good night, and once he had left she got herself ready, taking more care in her appearance than she had in years.

An hour later Andrea entered the theatre bar. She ordered herself a large glass of red wine and then scanned the busy room. She spotted James in the far corner of the bar. He was with a group of friends and looked immaculate in his shirt and suit jacket. 

Wondering quite what she was doing here, and wishing she had stayed at home rather than playing this silly game, she hovered by the bar, sipping her wine. Just as she was about to leave, to head for home and forget about her idea of trying to speak to James, she saw him heading for the bar, empty glasses in hand. 

He smiled warmly when he saw her at the bar. 

‘Hey, you! Great to see you.’ He said. 

Andrea greeted him as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. She soaked up the heady scent of his aftershave. She couldn’t remember the last time Steve had worn aftershave. 

She explained how she was meeting friends but they were running late. She tutted and rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. James placed the empty glasses on the bar.

‘I’ve got to go, the play is starting shortly, but we should meet up some time.’ he said.

When Andrea replied, there was an intensity in her gaze. There could be no misunderstanding her intention.

‘I would really like that.’ she said. 

James handed her his card, holding on to her hand for that moment too long, the moment that said he was interested in seeing her again. Andrea felt her cheeks blushing red once again. James gave her a wink before joining his friends and leaving for the theatre next door. 

Later that evening, when Steve came home buzzing from the film, and telling her all about the action sequences and the special effects that had to be seen to be believed, Andrea smiled and made the right noises. All she could think about was James and the chemistry between them. In her mind she replayed their interaction over and over again. 

When Steve suggested she watched the previous films in the franchise, and that they go together to see the film, Andrea rolled her eyes.

‘I really don’t think so, Steve.’ she said.

The next day she sent James a text to the mobile number on his business card. Great to see you last night, hope you enjoyed the theatre. Her heart was pounding as she clicked send. 

For the next two hours she checked her phone every few moments, as though checking it would make the reply come any quicker. 

Finally, just over two and a half hours later, her mobile phone pinged. One new message. 

Lovely to see you, Andy. Jx.

Andrea stared at the reply, butterflies in her stomach. Andy? That had been his name for her when they had been going out. Andrea nodded to herself. She wasn’t sure exactly what was going on between her and James but she felt more alive than she had in years. 

A few days later, in the middle of a dull afternoon, she received another text message from James. This one caught her off-guard.

Can you get away on Thursday evening? Jx.

Andrea couldn’t believe this was actually happening. She replied that she would love to see him on Thursday. She would make up some excuse to Steve, a last minute night out with work, somebody’s leaving do. 

James selected an Italian restaurant on the far side of the city. There would be nobody Andrea knew, they would be away from prying eyes. 

When she arrived at the restaurant, James was already there, sitting at their table. He stood and pecked her on the cheek, so glad you could make it. He ordered an expensive sounding bottle of wine.

The conversation just flowed wonderfully. There was the perfect amount of eye-contact and flirting. James seemed such a fascinating character. How had she let their relationship fizzle out? Maybe this was meant to be. Maybe they were meant to be together after all. Who knew what would happen from here? Would this be the beginning of an affair? Even as the thought the words to herself she felt excitement. 

At the end of the evening, James asked if he could see her again. Quite lost for words, Andrea could only smile and nod eagerly. James leaned in and kissed her. Looking back, she would see that as the moment their affair began. 

After their next date, cocktails in the city-centre, James took her back to his apartment. The apartment was a penthouse flat with leather furniture and amazing views of the city. It was like something from a television show. She could imagine some business executives living here in some TV drama. When she left the flat several hours later she felt a mix of excitement at the affair and also a pang of guilt about her husband. 

Over another Italian meal a few dates later, James asked if Andrea had ever tried the pasta in Italy, adding that there were some lovely restaurants in Florence. 

‘I’ve never been to Italy.’ Andrea admitted. ‘We usually end up in Tenerife, all-inclusive.’

‘I’ll have to take you. You’d love it. The pasta is just out of this world. I know this wonderful ristorante in Florence, down by the cathedral. It will blow your mind.’

On their next date, James presented her with a gift. He handed her a jewellery box. Andrea opened it and gasped. The rose-gold bracelet was the most beautiful thing she’d even seen. She squealed that she loved it, and that she’d never take it off.

‘You’ll have to be careful, though, Andy. What about Steve?’ James asked.

‘He wouldn’t notice if I walked in wearing a gas-mask’ Andrea said.

A few months later, things with James were going really well but things with Steve were more or less done. She had made her mind up. Andrea decided it was time. She would have to come clean, tell Steve everything, and that explain she was leaving him. Their marriage hadn’t been right for a while. She had just moved on, that was all. It was time to let Steve down gently.

When she mentioned to James that she was going to tell her husband, he suggested she move in with him. Andrea hugged him tight, saying that she really didn’t deserve him. James held her hand and told her that in this life, we get the luck we deserve. 

Andrea’s head was spinning with it all. She would be living with her ‘one-that-got-away’ in his swanky penthouse apartment. She would be part of his life-style. It was like a dream come true. All she had to do now was tell Steve. It felt like handing your notice in to leave a job you’d been in for years, before you could start your fantastic new dream job.

One evening a few nights later, she sat Steve down, turning the television off. They always had the television running even if they were not watching it, it was like a background noise. Steve looked at her, worry and concern on his face, wondering what was going on. 

‘I’m sorry, Steve, but I’m leaving. This isn’t working.’ Andrea said.

‘I don’t understand. Where’s all this coming from?’ He asked, his eyes filled with tears.

‘I just want more than this, more than the life we have.’ Andrea said.

‘We are doing okay, aren’t we?’ Steve asked.

Andrea explained that it was nothing Steve had done, nothing wrong with their marriage as such. She told him that she had met someone else, a man who could give her more, it was nothing personal. She just had more in common with somebody else, that was all.

‘We’ve just grown apart. I’m moving in with him.’ she said finally.

‘I love you, and I thought we were happy.’ Steve said, his voice breaking with emotion.

‘I want more than take-away pizza and cans of lager. I’m sorry, I just feel I deserve more.’ Andrea said.  

As Steve insisted they could try changing things, maybe going out for meals, having what they called date-nights, if that was what she wanted. Andrea shook her head. It was just too late. The damage was done, the rot had set in. 

Andrea also had tears in her eyes. There was nothing more to say, nothing Steve could say to win her back, and nothing she could say to ease the pain. She pecked Steve on the cheek and left. 

The weekend in Florence with James was amazing. They dined in the finest restaurants and the hotel room was the size of an entire storey of her house. It was such a refreshing change compared to holidaying in some concrete tourist trap with Steve. The food, the wine, the scenery and the company were just amazing. It felt like she was really living for the first time. There was a whole wide world out there.

Andrea loved her life with James in his city-centre apartment. There would be fancy coffee and pastries from the cute little bakery shop around the corner. They would read the broad-sheet newspapers in the mornings before each leaving for work. James worked so hard running all his business ventures. Andrea felt more motivated in her own life, just by being with him. His energy was infectious. 

James was often away for business trips for days here and there. James explained that he afforded the life he lead by working so hard. If you want this life, he said, you have to work for it. 

For the next six months Andrea’s life with James was a dream. She lived in the city-centre apartment, would go on shopping trips with James and he would treat her to lovely pieces of jewellery. They would dine out in one of the city’s most exclusive restaurants at least once a week, and there was drinks and cocktails in swanky bars with James’ huge and ever-changing group of friends. 

She felt like a different person than when she had been with Steve. This was where she should be, this was her place in the world. She should be tasting the finer things in life with an ambitious go-getter. Andrea was even thinking of applying for promotion at her work. If she got the position she would be what they called a team leader. That was more fitting to her new attitude and her new life. Yes, things were definitely looking up. 

They were sipping cocktails in a bar one evening when a woman approached their table. She greeted James and pecked him on the cheek, her hand lingering on his shoulder. 

‘Thank you for last week. Paris was amazing. I can’t stop thinking about it.’ She said, grinning.

‘I’m glad you enjoyed it.’ James said. ‘I’ll give you a call next week, okay?’ 

His tone was very friendly but also dismissive, with almost a hushing, not-here, not-now attitude. The woman nodded and gave him a conspiratorial wink. As he was leaving Andrea noticed the rose-gold bracelet on her wrist. It was identical to the bracelet James had given her. Andrea felt sick. She suddenly had the feeling that she was one of a long list of women that James was seeing. 

Once they were alone, James turned to face her. He gave her a smooth smile and raised his empty cocktail glass, and asked if she would like the same again. She shook her head and said she wanted to go home. 

She marched down the bustling city streets towards the apartment block. As they rode the lift up to the penthouse flat in silence, Andrea couldn’t believe she had been so stupid. She had been charmed and seduced by the flash life-style, of course she wouldn’t be the only one James was treating like this. She stormed into the open-plan living room and spun on her heels to face James.

‘Who was she, that woman in the bar?’ Andrea ranted.

‘You mean Kerry?’ 

‘The one you took to Paris, the one with the same bracelet as this!’ Andrea yelled, raising her wrist to show the identical piece of jewellery.

‘You are sleeping with her, aren’t you?’ Andrea added.

James shrugged and then spoke.

‘I never said there would be only you. I’m not a one-woman guy. We’re not an old married couple.’ He said.

‘Come on, James. You invited me to move into your apartment.’ Andrea said.

‘That was because you’d left your husband. What else was I going to do?’ 

‘When I’m in a relationship I’m loyal to that person.’ She said.

‘Like you were with Steve? You were seeing me behind his back.’ James snapped.

Andrea reeled as though she had been struck. She said nothing, completely lost for words.

Andrea knocked on the front door of what was once her home. Steve opened the door and stared in confusion.

He looked different than when she’d last seen him. He was clean-shaven, his scruffy beard was gone, and his hair was tidily cut and styled. He was wearing a dark polo-shirt instead of the stained t-shirts he had a habit of wearing for weeks on end. He didn’t look exactly smart, but he certainly looked more presentable than when she had left him all those months ago.

‘Andrea? What are you doing here?’ Steve asked.

‘I’ve come back. I’ve left James.’ she said.

‘Now isn’t a good time.’ he replied.

Andrea was shocked, this was not the welcome back she had been expecting.

‘Why not?’ Andrea asked. 

A delivery guy came up the path, carrying two pizza boxes. Steve thanked him and handed over a crumpled twenty pound note, telling him to keep the change. 

‘Who’s in there?’ Andrea asked pointing to the living room door over Steve’s shoulder.

‘Lisa, she’s a friend. She’s been very good with everything I’ve been going through.’

‘I’m sure she has.’ Snapped Andrea.

‘You walked out on me remember? And,’ Steve added, ‘she likes take-away pizza. Now, if you don’t mind, we’re about to watch a film.’

By Chris Platt

From: United Kingdom