The Runner

Every person has that one thing they love to do. For Oliver that is running. He would run everywhere and then one day he ceased to run at all. Maybe the artist will know why.


…euphoric happiness of freedom he felt whilst running. He’d run the four miles to work his shift as a bartender and run home too. On his day off, he’d jog to the beach and dash through the breaking waves, a blissful smile on his face. Oliver never trained to be a sprinter; it was the distance he…

By Mason Bushell

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Dandelions and Magnolia

Alex decides to find out why his class mate Maggie is so upset, the reason he could never have imagined in his wildest dreams!


…healing magic of a dandelion spreads as its seeds parachute on the wind.’ Alex thought as he gazed across the meadow. Studded with the yellow flowers and fairy clocks of dandelions…

By Mason Bushell

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