Real Mastery

A wild ride showcasing one night behind closed doors of an active BDSM couple


The bed is already laid out for the evening. The straps are properly laid in. The cat of nine and the flogger have been placed in easy reach nearby. He enjoys seeing her face when she glances around and tries to guess what he has in store for her. But what she doesn't know is that this time is all about what he wants and needs. Her purpose tonight is simply to be the vessel for his pleasure, his whimpering and gasping little toy. Oh, he'll make sure she enjoys herself as well… eventually. But not before he uses her to his complete satisfaction.

She walks into their room, already dressed more for decoration than any sort of decency. Her bustier leaves her entire breasts exposed, her thong is more of a suggestion than a covering, and her heels serve no real purpose except to plump her already curvaceous ass for his visual delight. Her collar is properly in place, as she knows he expects nothing less, and her wavy blonde hair is as neatly tucked up as she can manage. She wears no other adornment, as she knows he wants ready access to all of her.

He strides towards her, outwardly cool nearly to the point of coldness, but inwardly already nearly bursting with excitement. He looks into her eyes and says, "Take off your heels."

She cocks her head at him questioningly, but complies immediately. Any time she's not collared and exposed, this would get him a snarky response, but since she's not entirely sure what's happening tonight, she errs on the side of caution. He takes her hand and directs her to lie down face-down on the bed. He straps down her wrists, but instead of strapping her legs down apart or removing her thong, he pulls her down a long the bed until her arms are comfortable but immobile, and her small feet dangle off of the side of the bed.

"Do you want to know what I am going to do to you tonight?"

Something about the tone in his voice makes her shake her head violently in the negative. He chuckles softly. "Well, I am going to tell you anyway. There will be enough shocks tonight with you expecting it. Remember when I did the bastinado on you?"

She whimpers and nods. "Well, I told you before that normally the subject CAN'T move their legs. I was very easy on you last time. This is going to be a little different. Don't worry, I won't do any serious damage to your cute little feet. You know how much I enjoy them. But I AM going to hurt them. A lot. And then, I am going to fuck them while you whimper and cry. And then, if you are a VERY good girl, and don't fight me, I will make you cum for me until you beg me to stop."

After removing her thong, he places their spreader bar between her legs, just above her knees, making her legs into a vee. He then takes a separate pair of cuffs and hooks her ankles to the leg cuffs, effectively immobilizing her. Noticing her breath quickening, he leans down to her ear, "Now this is the only time I am going to give you choices. I want to blindfold you. That's going to make you feel everything I do even more keenly. You don't have to, but I really want you to let me. Will you?"

She's really panting now. "If it pleases you." Her eyes are wide, showing white all around.

He looks her directly in her eyes, "It will please me very, very much." He kisses her softly but passionately. She begs his consideration with her kiss, as she knows words will do her no benefit. "Now, your last choice tonight is whether or when I will gag you. You already know I will still hear your cries, moans and whimpers, but it might make things a little easier for you to have something to clamp down on… Wait!" He says as she begins to speak vehemently in the affirmative. "I will allow it, but I would very much like to see how much you can take before you really need it. Will you give me that? Will you give me that trust?"

Damnit! She thinks. He knows any opportunity to express her faith and trust in him is her kryptonite. It's why he's never mentioned it before. Only she has. She looks down demurely, hoping to hide the defiant flash in her eyes. She fails to hide it, but he lets it pass… she'll feel punished enough by the time he unbuckles her. "As you wish, sir."

He kisses her again more deeply, triumphant inside. He's getting exactly what he wants. She's going to be his pliant little sex toy: not mindless, never that, but so helpless and compliant, and he's allowed her to feel like she had a choice in the matter! He slips the blindfold over her bright eyes after staring into them for the last time for a while, and secures it in place.

He steps back for a moment and admires his handiwork. His beautiful bratty little switch, all trussed up like a gift made especially for him. He smiles and chuckles softly to himself, knowing he's most likely going to pay for this when it's his turn to be tied down, but for what he's about to give and receive from her, it will be worth every second.

Satisfied that he has her properly restrained, he carefully picks up the cat of nine tails, and runs the tips gently up alongside the outside of her thigh and up along her spine. "Do you know what this is?"

She clears her throat, and whispers cautiously, "Cat of nine tails."

"And do you know where I'm going to use it?"

"No?" The tone of her voice had a note of hope in it, not genuine confusion or lack of knowledge.

He grabs the hair at the nape of her neck and speaks low but firmly, almost fiercely in her ear. "You know better than to ever lie to me. You never have before. Are you really that scared? Do you want me to stop this? If you can't be honest, I won't continue. I will deprive you of this pain and punishment you so deserve."

She knows better. And she knows he won't really damage her, only cause her so much pain she might wish there were actual marks to remember it by. It might make it a little less intimidating, in fact. "No, sir. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to speak an untruth. This just scares me a bit sometimes. But it's not enough to want you to stop."

That's his girl. As much as he loves every soft delicious curve of her, he loves the core of steel that runs beneath it all equally. But now he is going to have to remind her who is truly in control. "Good. But now that I know you know exactly what's going to happen here, you're going to beg me for it. Show me how well you know by begging me for what you know is about to happen."

She gulps. This is new. She knows how much he loves it when she begs but he's never had her beg him to hurt her before. "How many strikes should I beg for, sir?"

"There's my smart girl! Since you thought to ask, we will only go for 10… on each foot."

Bloody hell. TEN? On each tender little sole? She's really stepped in it now. "Please give me 10 lashes with the cat of nine on each foot, sir."

She feels his breath on her earlobe as he whispers, "Anything for my beautiful little slut." She growls low in her throat. Sadistic bastard! But she won't give him the satisfaction of resorting to name calling right now. That would only add to the lashes.

Smiling to himself he steps back, cat of nine tails in hand. He knows exactly how much his words have just chased and excited her. Of course he does. She is HIS trussed up little doll after all.

He brings the cat down on her right sole first, beginning with her heel. This is of course just a warm-up, after all. He's giving himself 10 strokes on each for a good reason. He moves to her left giving it the same attention. He then moves up slightly on her right, not quite to the middle of her arch. This elicits the slightest bit of a flinch, and gives him the first bit of satisfying pinking to her skin. He feels the first throbbing in his cock. He then moves to the left, again doing the same. She does love her balances, after all and he fully intends to give her such until she feels like she may choke on it.

When he strikes the middle of her right sole, she not only flinches, but clenches her foot. "No, no, you don't want to do that. Relax. Just like when I take your tight ass. Speaking of which…" He strikes each globe of her cheeks hard and fast, three times. "Damn, but I do love marking it up so much."

Not only does this give him the satisfaction of her voice making that sweet gasp that lets him know she's truly enjoying it, she also relaxes both of her feet. "That's my good little pain slut. I wonder how wet my sweet little pussy is." He slides the knuckle of his index finger along her dark pink lips, and now it's his turn to groan. She's absolutely soaked. "Oh, no, you're not getting me with that right now." Swiftly withdrawing his finger, he steps back and catches his breath a moment. As much as he enjoys plunging into her when she's this wet, that's not what he's seeking this time. This is however a bit of a reminder that she's not the only one with limits getting tested at the moment. He continues his strikes, aiming these times for the top balls of her feet and then her adorable little toes. He gives them two each. One for her first two and one for the smaller three. He delivers the final four with two to each heel, and the last two directly in the middle of her arches, that so very sensitive spot that makes her finally cry out. "That's for tempting me so strongly by having my pussy so wet already."

"C-can't… h-help…" she has to lick her lips in between the two words and can barely gasp those out. Perfect, she's in her subspace. This essentially means that he can do absolutely anything he wants to any portion of her body, and he definitely intends to take full advantage of that. However he also knows that what he's about to do is going to snap her out of it temporarily rather harshly. "That particular punishment was aimed at me, not you. I know you can't help that my hurting you makes my pussy so very wet. I am punishing myself by making that bit go more quickly than I had originally hoped. Now, are you listening?"

She stills and tenses a moment before nodding. "Use your words. I need to know you're with me."

Clearing her throat, she shakes herself the best she can within the bindings. "I'm here."

Smiling to himself, he runs the back of his hand down her cheek. "There's my girl. Now, this is about to get intense for both of us. I hope you're warmed up enough, because once I start, I am not going to stop until I am done. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, I understand." He can only imagine how wide and utterly terrified her eyes are behind the blindfold. Her tears are going to be delicious. The very thought sends sensation directly to his dick, straining his pants. Which reminds him, he should get undressed for this. He removes his clothing carefully, while explaining to her, "I am about to use the flogger on those adorable feet now. And not just the leather this time. I'm going to use the cane as well."

Her breath begins to quicken swiftly. Perfect. She's so easy for him to build up! "But I will give you a small mercy. I will put in the gag. You will have something to clamp down on. You can even pretend it's me, if it makes it easier." He laughs lightly. "I have a feeling you will be whether or not I give you permission." She growls at this, but her breath hasn't slowed. "Here, take a few sips of juice. You're going to need it." He whispers those last words as he holds her head so she can take a few small drinks from the bottle of juice he holds to her lips. Can't have his little vixen getting dehydrated. "Do you have anything to say before I put in the gag?"

She breathes in slowly, regulating her breath for what is likely to be the last time for a while. "Thank you, sir. I love you."

This brings a much larger smile to his face. Staying close to her ear he says, "And I love you… but that's not going to save your feet, that beautiful ass, or my pussy when I decide to give it my attention."

That begins the panting again. He slips the gag around her face and buckles it into place. She vehemently clamps her mouth around it, and tucks her chin into her shoulder. He can tell she's bracing herself for what is to come. Good. Because that's the last mercy she's getting for quite some time.

He steps back and picks up the flogger. He examines the bottoms of her feet. Still pink, but not especially red. Good. They'll be much darker before he slides his dick between them. He feels himself twitch against his belly at the thought. Getting a good grip on the flogger, he tells her, "I'm not going to be too cruel this time. I'm only going to give you 5 strikes with the leather, and 3 with the cane. But all 3 parts of your soles are going to feel it. He touches her toes, then her heels, and finally her arches. "Just there. In…that …order." Her breathing quickens even more. "Oh, and of course, I will be spanking this." He grabs each cheek of her ass with the hand not holding the flogger, lifting and spreading them as he speaks. He hears her moan through the gag. Oh, yes, she's definitely present. He delivers on his word by striking the underside of each side of her ass directly with the cane of the flogger, swiftly and sure. She groans louder. He then steps back and hits her toes with the leather. She gasps sharply. "Oh, that's nothing. Just wait." He delivers similar strikes to her heels and then her arches. She's already trying to wiggle in the bonds, but she's secured too well to move much or far.

He takes a deep breath in himself. He gives her 4 sharp blows on the ass with the leather, watching the marks well up, and her ribcage expand and contract. She's finally ready for him to give her the most pain for his greatest pleasure. He takes the handle of flogger in a light but secure grip and strikes each of her arches quick and sure. She lets out a piercing shriek around the gag.

So hard he can barely contain himself, he reaches forward and removes the blindfold. There's what he wanted to see! The tears are trickling down her porcelain cheeks. He removes the gag gently, almost sweetly, in stark contrast to the force of his blows. He proceeds to lick the tears from her cheeks. "That's my precious little whore. I'm going to untether your feet now. Will you still behave? You know what I want."

She nods.

"Tell me. I want to know you're really here while I fuck these beautiful reddened little feet."

"Y-yes, sir." She doesn't open her eyes. She knows she'd be glaring daggers at him if she did, and she definitely doesn't want an actual punishment after that treatment!

"Good girl," he whispers gently in her ear. She shivers. He removes the straps binding her ankles, but leaves the spreader bar in place. Her legs drift limply. This is good. He can place her in exactly the best ways to give him the most enjoyment. He takes up the lube, dribbling a bit onto her feet, and a small amount more onto himself.

Taking her feet by the tops, he runs the tiny reddened toes of her left foot along the bottom of his head, and the arch of her right across the top. His eyes nearly roll back from the sensation. All of the tiny ridges of her footprints, and now the slight swelling from the flogger as well! Hell, this feeling is beyond incredible!

She squirms her hips slightly, moaning just the slightest bit. His eyes crinkling at the corners with the smile he won't allow himself to show, he slaps her ass with his open palm. "You can wait!" She moans slightly louder, but gives no further protest.

He grips her feet more securely around himself, and begins to fuck them in earnest. Slowly, steadily, he strokes himself, allowing himself the full range of exquisite sensation of her soles along his manhood. His climax builds quickly. He knew it would. It has been threatening since the first stroke he laid on the same area he was plunging into. He comes long and loudly, painting her arches, heels, toes, and even part of her ankles with his juices. He holds himself still for a moment, catching his breath and enjoying the intense sensation that he gets from the continued contact after his release.

He takes a moment to admire the visual delight of seeing the proof of his enjoyment in her skin. He allows his gaze to travel up her body, and sees her looking over her shoulder, smiling slightly, lust and self-satisfaction showing in her eyes.

This is perfectly acceptable. She has earned one, and he will soon resolve the other. Keeping her gaze with his own until his head dips too low, he reaches beneath the bed and slides out a case. The locks have been removed in preparation for this evening. Returning himself to a fully erect posture, he asks, "Are you ready for your reward, my sweet little slut?"

She bites her lip and nods, adding "Yes, please sir."

"Good girl, though you may soon wish you didn't reply quite so eagerly." With that he removes two items from the case. One is the vibrating wand he purchased for her previously that initially had her daunted and mildly confused. He smiles at the memory, as he has shown her quite well since how much it can assist with both of their enjoyment. The other is her usual vibrator, a silicone affair with a slight curve and a round bulbous head, designed to massage the sensitive bundle of nerves at her g-spot. She sees him pull them out and begins to squirm slightly in anticipation. "Always so eager. You're so easy." This is said with genuine affection. He does so love how much she enjoys his attention.

He runs his thumb along her clit, sliding his finger inside her. Yes, she is still absolutely soaking, but he knows that additional lubrication will be necessary for what he has in mind. She's writhing against the restraints, already moaning. Her eyelids are fluttering slightly. He slides a second finger into her more forcefully stretching her opening, giving her a feeling of fullness. "Yes! Please! Let me…" He shoves his fingers into her a few more times, bringing her to the very edge of her first orgasm, but stops just a moment before her walls can fully clamp down on his hand.

"You know, I could just leave you like this… tied down and wanting." Her eyes flash in genuine fear for a moment. He laughs, a real full throated one this time. "You silly little slut. Even I am not quite THAT cruel. Besides, I want to hear you scream for me in something other than pain." As he has been speaking, he's been applying lube to the toys. He wasn't ACTUALLY going to let her just lay there and squirm in need….well, at least not for long. He turns on the smaller of the two, and slides it into the already dripping pussy presented to him, angling it so that it immediately slides directly to her g-spot. She groans loudly. "Are you ready to come yourself insane for me?"

She's just about ready to completely lose her mind already from the waiting. "Oh, gods, yes, please, please, sir!"

"Please what?" He asks as he gently moves the toy back and forth, just enough to begin her body's response, but not enough to prevent her from speaking.

"Please make me come!" She grinds her body into his hand as much as the restraints allow, which isn't very far.

"Good girl." To show her how much her begging delights him, he begins to fuck her with the toy in earnest, driving it deep and directly into her sensitive and sensitized g-spot with firm, sure strokes. It doesn't take long for this to bring her to a multiple peak orgasm, first moaning deeply, then with her voice raising in pitch until she is screaming for him. He holds her hips in place with his other hand so she can't buck away, and keeps thrusting. Her eyes fly open a moment as she realizes he's not stopping… hell, he's not even slowing down!! She's then pushed right back into another set of heady peaks.

When this one subsides, he gives her a moment to catch her breath, removing the toy and running his fingers gently along her inner labia. She's soaking wet, and the lube is holding up well, though he will need to reapply it before he attacks her with the toy again. However, first…

He bends his head down between her spread legs, and runs his tongue gently along the edges of her lips. The lube is made to do its job, not for flavor, but she's come so hard, he can definitely taste the musky sweetness that is just her. And he loves the way she tastes, especially when she's been well fucked. She whimpers softly, as she is extremely sensitive immediately after orgasming. He chuckles softly against her lips. "Oh, I am not done with my sweet pussy yet."

He straightens up and relubes her insertion toy, and takes the wand in his other hand. Yes, she's definitely earned this extra special treat, though she might not consider it so completely in the moment. He puts the wand to her clit and what would be the upper portion of her labia if she weren't spread on her stomach, and reinserts her other toy. He turns the wand onto a higher level than that which she's used to. She immediately lets out a gasp, but before she can do any more than that, he sharply inserts the other toy into her gaping pussy, aiming unerringly for her g-spot.

He's relentless, bringing her to screaming, squirming and moaning climaxes with both toys until she has tears creeping from the corners of her eyes, and appears to be having a bit of difficulty catching her breath. He slows.

"Do you think you've had enough, my sweet little slut?"

Catching her hitching breath on a gasp, "Y-yes sir. Please let me stop."

"I don't think so. You can still speak!" With that, he turns her wand up two more levels and attacks her pussy in fierce earnest until she's no longer screaming or moaning, simply hitching breaths and slight whimpers. He then gently withdraws both toys, and sets them aside for the moment. She lets out a slight groan when he withdraws what has been filling her now stretched opening.

He leans into her, placing his lips just outside of her ear. "Now you're done." She can't even manage a nod. Her eyes are closed, but occasionally fluttering as she attempts to open them. "I'm going to let you out of the bonds now."

He acts with exquisite tenderness as he removes the restraints, releasing first her legs, and then her wrists. He carefully removes the collar from her throat, as he doesn't want it to constrict her breathing as she sleeps. He turns her gently to face him. "Are you alright, love? Still alive in there?"

Her eyelids flutter a bit helplessly, and it obviously takes her a moment to form words. It's alright. He waits patiently, knowing this is her normal response to any extreme amount of play between them, and this has been the most extreme they have shared thus far. "F-fantastic" she stammers still a bit breathless. She wraps her limp arms around his shoulders, and struggling a small amount, puts her hands to either of his cheeks. "Did I do well?"

His heart completely full, he smiles at her, "You did beautifully." He kisses her tenderly but thoroughly, and rearranges the bedding around their bodies. This is normally a task she performs for them, but she's obviously in no state right now. He tucks her head into his chest, and strokes her long soft hair as she begins to doze. His sweet little toy has indeed performed beautifully, and he's never been happier that she's his to do with as he pleases. And holding her as they both sleep is absolutely what pleases him most right now.

By Lady FaeryJ

Twitter: LadyFaeryJ