Pani Puri

It was 5 pm. While returning from an advertisement photo shoot, Anushka sees her poster which was posted on the electric pole on a road, she was terrified. Her eyes were wide open; the passerby stopped each time to glance at her poster. Some said what a whore she is. Few said models are bitch, especially female models, who come in the industry and lure rich businessmen, seducing them, longing for their wealth. Some said if she could be their girlfriend then life would be more blissful.

The crowd of two, sometimes four, five and even six stopped and commented harshly on seeing her picture. In it was written, “she is a whore who ran away with a businessman. Don’t try to do any sort of modeling contracts with her. The producers are facing a hard time; losing their investment and searching for other models to replace her.”

The last sentence made Anushka cry, it was written, “The winner of Miss Nepal 2010.”

3 years before

“Anushka, we are getting late for school, come fast yar, we have to fill the form of Miss School, today is the last day, so don’t forget to carry necessary documents,” says Radhika, “and also two photographs, one - the close-up, other - full length, which we clicked the day before at Photo Zone.”

“I am almost ready Radhika,” says Anushka, ”just wait for a minute, mom is packing Tiffin and she has also made Samosa for you.”

The school bus arrives; the driver puts on horn, “Beep, Beepppppp, Beeppppppppp, Beeppppppppppppppp”

Anushka’s mom Shakuntala puts a tika on her forehead and says, “just fill the form and work hard, you’ll win”. She plants a kiss on her head.

Anushka runs toward the door, Bye mom.

“Radhika, how am I looking,” says Anushka, “we’ll enjoy our lunch break, see mom packed your favorite dish, Samosa”

Radhika exclaims in excitement, “yeah…yummy, Samosa, you know I love Shakuntala Aunty so much.”

Anushka smiles and says, “ya I know, so does she, that’s why she prepares Samosa for you.”

The bus conductor shouts, “come inside, we are getting late.”

The driver honks, Beeeepppppppp!!!!!!

Radhika and Ansuhka were friends since class one, but they didn’t talk until they were in class three, the reason was that they both were at different sections in class one and in class two, they were in the same class but Radhika had her best friend Siwani. One day Siwani had a fight with Anushka regarding a teddy bear, it was Anushka’s bag made up of pink teddy bear. Siwani got jealous and threw her bag in the dustbin. Anuskha got angry and placed her fist on her chest, bang; in return, with a water bottle Siwani punctured her head. Radhika screamed. She came for rescue, the teacher called their respective parents; they both were placed in different sections.

Siwani got angry with Radhika and since then she stopped talking with both of them.

In the parents day function at school, when they were in class three, they performed together at a play. Since then they have become close friends.

Later, only in class eight Radhika and Siwani talked but only as a general friend, though she never talked with Anushka.

At lunch break, 1pm, the teacher announced on loudspeaker, “so whosoever is interested in Miss School 2007, please come at the reception to collect the form.”

Anushka and Radhika run downstairs to collect the form.

“We’ll conduct an audition, only shortlisted candidates will get entry into final 12,” the sound came from the loudspeaker.

The crowd gathered in front of the reception, school girls from class 6 to 10 were hustling to collect the form. It can be seen that the girls were really excited.

“Radhika, let’s go to collect the form,” Anushka says, “two forms please!”

The receptionist mam is about to hand then Siwani snatches and turns toward them. She winks her friends and stares Anushka with a killer eye.

“Hey don’t mind Anushka,” says Radhika.

They collect the form, fill it, attach two photographs and submit.

“What have I done to Siwani?” Anushka asks angrily, “why is she behaving rudely to me, it was eight years ago that we’d fight and at that moment too, it was her fault.”

“Cool down, yar,” says Radhika consoling her, “you know she is just jealous of you, ignore her.”

The next day Anushka and Radhika get selected at the audition round also Siwani makes her place secured in final 12.

After 5 days of training, the completion is held with introduction round, best dress round, and talent round. Siwani couldn’t make her position in the final round. Anushka and Radhika along with other three girls make their position fixed for the final round. The judge asks them the crowing question.

After all is said and done the final score from 5 different judges are added. The Program host announces the name with a pause and a break, in her voice creating excitement among the audience and nervousness among the contestants.

She said the 1st runner up is Radhika and now the winner is…any guesses…Saumya, Apurva…Anushka…hummmmm…yes, you are right the winner for Miss School 2007 is Anushka.

The audience hoots.

Soon their school leaving certificate exam is about to start from April. Anushka and Radhika study together and later appear for an exam. Their exam concludes in the first week of March.

“What shall we do Radhika on this holiday?” asks Anushka, “we have 3 months left; the result will be published only after that.”

“I am planning to join modeling,” says Radhika “I’ve my cousin brother who works in a modeling agency, so why don’t you join modeling classes with me, we’ll enjoy it.”


“No but, I’ll talk with Shakuntala Aunty, she never says no to me.”

Initially Shakuntala Aunty disagrees but with Radhika’s several requests she says, “yes….but be careful, I don’t like people talking bad about you, we are respectable people in a society and you know Anushka, your dad has a very special place in this society. So, I want to hear nice things about you, not bad, ok.”

“Don’t worry aunty, we’ll make you proud,” says Radhika.

From the next day onwards they go to the modeling agency, the instructor trains them to walk on the ramp, to maintain posture, to act and also in maintaining facial expressions.

The following week Anushka complains that she is having problem on her leg, as standing and walking on 12 inch heel shoe is gruesome and often times she fell on the ramp, the severe case was when the instructor said her to turn around, she became confused and her leg got tangled between her leg, she feel down badly and cried out loud due to pain.

She is hurried to a nearby hospital, the doctor advises for an X-ray. The doctor places an X-ray report of her leg above his head and looks straight above with his spectacled eye, he points and says, “this part of leg has got slightly scratched,” and adds, “she needs rest for a month and should stop walking long distance.”

“I said you, no? This sort of waking, standing, I don’t like,” says Shakuntala aunty with tears in her eyes. Radhika gets emotional. “Now again I’ve to wash her clothes and should deliver her meals into her room. You people won’t let me live in harmony. Punish me, punish, I thought, I am getting old and I should take rest as my hips gives me trouble; sometimes I apply MOVE on my hips, I also feel difficulty in walking but you guys have made up mind to irritate me; also god wants to see me in trouble, he may be laughing above, shut your mouth god.”

Radhika feels like laughing but controls.

“The god may have now shut his mouth Shakuntala aunty,” Radhika wants to say, but she consoles her saying, “Aunty, tears doesn’t suit on you and all those words coming from you for god seems bizarre, see you are religious and you believe in god,” Radhika winks Anushka.

“So how god can put you in this cruel situation,” concludes Radhika.

Shakuntala Aunty wipes her tears from her wrinkled face and says, “yes, you are right,” and asks, “what do you want to eat; it’s already time for snacks.”

“Aunty, Pakoda,” says Radhika smilingly.

Anushka smiles sitting on her bed, “you know how to blackmail emotionally, hummm, it works, right? She is melodramatic.”

“Sometimes it works, ufff foo” says Radhika.

Shakuntala Aunty brings pakoda and tea for them.

Next week Radhika comes to visit Anushka.

“My cousin brother said to me, the Ad agency is looking for a fresh model for their clients,” says Radhika, “if we get selected then our small face will be placed in big billboards almost big as of two storey building, may be three, but he said only one will be selected. He has invited other models too, so come let’s go and submit our photographs.”

“Ok!” says Anushka, “so how much bigger!!!! Will our face be up to two storey building!!! Humm...I dreamed of that and even in my dreams, I saw myself on big billboards placed on the big malls also on the highways.”

“Oh, don’t start dreaming,” says Shakuntala Aunty, “you are going no-where.”

“But mom…”

“You just broke your leg and now, what, you want to break your face?”

“Aunty it’s not like that…” says Radhika.

“Chori, you know how much I love Anushka, I don’t want people to point at her. I’ve seen lots of models who get famous but…later they couldn’t handle with criticism, they do un-harmful things and sometimes hurt themselves, in worst case they commit suicide.”

“Aunty it’s not like that,” says Radhika, “we’ll only submit our photographs and if the Ad agency likes it then they’ll call us.”

Anushka convinces her mom, “mom…don’t behave like a child, let us try once, don’t you want to see me on billboard and our relatives and your friends saying you, look, she is Shakuntal’s daughter Anushka.”

Shakuntala Aunty starts dreaming.

After awhile…

“Mom, where are you?”

Rashmila is saying, your daughter is so pretty and Jaya is saying that she wishes her daughter to be like you…”


She gets out of her day dreaming, “Ok, go and submit your photograph, but be careful….”

Anushka kisses her mom and they both go to an Ad agency to submit their form.

After two days they go to inquire about their selection.

The big man, security guard, doesn’t let them in.

“Girls like you come regularly to meet, now go home, nor…”

“Nor what…”Radhika says

Someone from the black shiny Mercedes Benz opens the door and comes out. He sees two girls arguing with the guard. He signals him to let them in.

Radhika says, “Sir, your security guard doesn't have manners; you need to tell them to behave politely, He is so rude.”

Arjun places himself comfortably on the seat and smiles. Anushka has already placed herself on the seat, which was just in front of his table.

“So you have come here to get featured in advertisement?” says Arjun

“Actually, we have submitted our photographs,” says Anushka

“Oh…I see,” he scratches his head and says, “Dilip forwarded your photographs to me and I forwarded it to my client,” after a pause he says, “one of you is selected.” He picks the envelope and opens, asks them, “so who do you think is selected?”

Anushka and Radhika look at each other's faces.

Arjun smiles and says, “only one of you will get a chance to work with us…and it’s you.”

He points his finger towards Anushka.

“Me!!!” says Anushka, “I can’t believe it. Oh my god, you are joking, right?”

Radhika congratulates her by hugging.

“So you will work with us, we’ll call you the day after also you have to sign some documents,” says Arjun and hands her the confirmation documents.

On the way they eat Pani puri at one of the famous restaurants.

“, I can’t believe it, I got selected…do you hear, what he said, I got selected, YAHOOOOO…my photos will be placed on billboard, I’ll be endorsing the product and people will see me…my dream will come true…” Anushka says in exhilaration.

The next day Arjun calls her, she goes and signs documents, they go to Jumla for the photo shoot of Scooty.

After a week, at the front of her college building, in a big billboard she sees her picture, smiling confidently, placing her butts on a shiny black leather seat, wearing branded designer’s shoes and yellow shorts with a helmet on her head.

Later in the evening, as soon as she logged into her face-book account, she saw 150 friend requests; even at her college nowadays her teacher pays more attention, now she is a popular student at her college. Her senior, juniors, also the security guards and her neighbor praise her. Soon she is talking about the town.

Her parents get lots of marriage proposals. They are happy but Anushka says, “I want to work for now.” And her parents articulate her message saying her daughter doesn’t want to marry. Which breaks the hearts of many young boys.

She gets so busy with her work and also couldn’t spare time for Radhika. She is the favorite model of every company. The client waits for her to feature in their projects.

Once, Radhika got selected for a photo shoot which didn’t go well in the market. She hear, one of the client saying, “every other models are tasteless in front of Anushka”

She feels bad and ignores Anushka; soon she ignores her phone call too.

At college their friends talked only about Anushka and people from other places come to their college to get an Autograph from her. She is sought after as a model for movies and music videos, she is featured for an interview at various leading newspapers, television and also in Radio shows.

This made some people jealous, especially Siwani, she didn’t like Aunshka since the time they were together studying in class two.

She thinks of an idea to defame her. She deems Radhika can come into help and this time it’s the best one.

“Hi Radhika, why are you sitting alone?” asks Siwani, “where is Anushka?”

“She is out of town, for photo shoot,” says Radhika

“Oh...Photo shoots…out of town”

“Why do you need her?”

“You were close friends, I didn’t see you both together for the past couple of weeks, so…..”

“Ya, she is the popular model,” Radhika says hesitatingly.

“Because of her, you didn’t get chance, right?” asks Siwani

“Leave it…..I have to go for class”

“See, you were my best friend but that bitch stole you from me,” says Siwani, “she is a witch, when we were in class two; she tried every possible method to put a break on our friendship.”

“It’s not like that...”

“What!! It’s not like that...” exclaims Siwani, “it’s like that, you are talented and also beautiful, prettier than Anushka...Do you know something?????????? Your brother has a crush on her, your cousin brother, who works in an Ad agency, he chose her picture and dumped yours into the dustbin.”

“No, you are lying,” says Radhika in astonishment

“What!! I am lying? You don’t believe me; I can show you the proof.”

Siwani takes out Radhika’s picture from her bag and shows her, it was written, not selected and with Red pen the photo was marked with a big cross.

Radhika gets shocked, her mouth is wide open.

The only word she utters is “DAMM YOU ANUSHKA.”

Siwani smiles as her work is done, putting oil on a burning anger.

She hugs and consoles Radhika and winks to her friends who are placed laughing adjacent to their seat. “We’ll teach her lesson”

“Lesson!!!” says Radhika

“Lesson…a wonderful lesson, which she’ll never forget.


Two months later when Anushka returns home after her late afternoon photo shoot, she sees her poster which was posted on the electric pole in a road, she was terrified. Her eyes were wide open; the passerby stopped each time to glance at her poster. Some said what a whore she is. A few said models are bitch, especially female models, who come in the industry and lure rich businessmen, seducing them, longing for their wealth. Some said if she could be their girlfriend then life would be more blissful.

The crowd of two, sometimes four, five and even six stopped and commented harshly on seeing her picture. In it was written, “she is a whore who ran away with a businessman. Don’t try to do any sort of modeling contracts with her. The producers are facing a hard time, losing their investment and searching for other models to replace her.”

The last sentence made her cry, it was written, “The winner of Miss Nepal 2010.”

Anushka took part in Miss Nepal 2010, she won the title, Siwani was chosen 2nd runner up.

Her popularity grew nationwide but fuelled her popularity among her enemy’s too, which she was unaware of.

Several phone calls rang that day. Her entire family is frustrated due to a hoax call. Her father disconnects the phone line.

Shakuntala Aunty Scolds Anushka, “See, I said to you, don’t get indulged in this unholy profession, I was aware that this day would come and it came.”

“Snooping, these words from her mom make her disappointed; at this moment, she expected to solace her but the situation was contradictory.

Many people called her and it was all from an unknown number. Each time she picked the call “she listens harsh words from them, some were like” oh whore, are you free? If so, then come to my home. Some said, “how much is your fee for a night?” ” how could you run with the businessmen, I’ll give you company, I have much money to rub your fantasy.” Listening to such words from unknown people, she would hang up and in anger she hit her cell phone on the wall, it broke into pieces.

It became difficult for her as well as for her family members to step out of their house. Her neighbor would question Anushka.

Anushka became depressed and later that evening, she locked herself into a room and drank poison but her fate was strong. Her parents took her directly to the hospital, the doctors exercised all their education to save her, the same night they lodged a complaint at the police station.

After a week, the police arrest some students of her modeling agency as well as her college friends, upon investigation two are put into bars, Radhika and Siwani.

Radhika confronts her in front of police and hands herself, the female cops put her into bars and arrest Siwani for further investigation.

The court decides a two year jail term against the charge of defaming people.

Soon everything gets into normal.

Her mom encourages Anushka for modeling, though she didn’t like it but after getting applause from her peers and relatives, she encourages her but Anushka denies.

“Chori Anushka, see, I‘ve a good news for you?” says Shakuntala Aunty

“What news mom?”

“Korean Ad agency wants to feature you and has arranged a photo shoot.”

“Mom, say them that, I don’t want to get involved”

“I said, you gave them a green signal, they are so happy and have sent you a gift, see, it's outside, a car, Audi 6.”


They hug.

She also wins the Korean ramp competition and returns home after two years.

Radhika gets bail. She tries to ask forgiveness but due to shame and guilt she can’t even walk through the lane of Anushka’s home.

One afternoon Anushka goes to a shopping mall to buy jeans shorts and later to the restaurant and orders a waiter to pack Pani Puri.

Radhika gets into the bus to return home.

Due to load shedding, she couldn’t see anything properly. She struggles to get a key from her bag; she puts it into her door to open the lock.

From beside, someone jumps over her.

She gets terrified, her mouth chokes and even she hears her heart beat mounting louder as well as her breath.

Radhika turns on her torch light and finds Anushka standing with a bag.

She drops tears, gets up and asks for forgiveness.

Anushka hugs her and says “I have brought you, your favorite dish, PANI PURI”


By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

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