Man Of God

Man of God. It's what he says he is. And the more he stresses it every time we have a chat, the more doubts I have.

Ever since I discovered his true colours, I have made no sense of the motive behind his actions.

Priscilla says she thinks he and his wife are having marital problems, and that it seems his wife is seeing an ex-lover. One pupil in his class once told her parents he kissed her on her lips, an affair that boiled for days and refused to cool. And now there's a complaint that he caressed the thighs of one young lady during one of their home lesson sessions.

The more I think about all these, the more suspicious I get about the relationship that exists between him and the many young girls he's been inviting to his home and church.

He says he shuns the company of women who try to lure him into sex and that he's promised to be faithful to his wife even though he's far from home. I wonder why he is telling me all this.

I noticed he calls Priscilla "My daughter". It appears he emphasizes it in every conversation concerning her. When Priscilla told me he tried to rape her some years ago,  I understood why he seemed concerned that I and Priscilla were spending more time together. For some reasons Priscilla doesn't condemn him. She is convinced something is eating the old man up, something he's too ashamed to open up to someone for help. She has doubts, though, about his claims of his wife's infidelity. There's some piece of the narrative he's holding back.

He's ever helped me. He gave me money on a day I went to work broke and had no means of returning home. I asked him how he knew I had no money and he said God spoke to him.

He looks genuine and nice, but the more I hear about the mischiefs he's caused, the more insincere I find his smiles.

So far he's created the impression that he's a victim of false rumours. I can't wait to see his face the day all the evils he's sown in secret germinates. I have the feeling this man of God is the kind of person you discard rumours about him at your own peril.

By Benjamin Nambu

From: Ghana


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