Holding on

Holding on, until you can’t hold on, no more. But even when you let go, you have to keep fighting.


Staring through the camera lens, as I press the shutter to take the picture.

The picture I find inspiration in. The angle I use deliberately, for the best lighting.

The sun light penetrating through the branches of the trees, as the soft glow filters to the colours of its leaves.

Red, orange, yellow and brown.

A kaleidoscope of colours.

The movement from the breeze, gently dancing with them.

Rustling and quivering to their own song.

Slightly touching one another, as they all join in together, listening to the whispers of the wind.

As I witness the beauty of nature, capturing the everchanging palette of the wuthering leaves.

Holding onto one another.

Holding on has become exhausting.

Holding onto hope.

But hope never prevails.

Let go.

Slowly tumbling towards their fate, through the rays of sunlight. But still, despite falling to their end, they still hold on to each other.

Still hoping.

Hoping to hear the whispers of the wind.

By Jade McQueen

From: United Kingdom

Instagram: jadeykinz182

Facebook URL: facebook.com/jade.mcqueen.1253