Grey Thoughts

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Avoiding Depression

Run your race to avoid depression

At ages between 24 and 35, many people try to live against what's expected of them. The pressure of the desire to have a grand wedding just because a friend had it needs a second thought. Sometimes people rely on huge loans to settle the one day event. Who told you that maybe the resources were borrowed to facilitate the event.

So, regardless of whatever you do at this stage in life, understand that 90% of the people you know or admire may have more struggles than you would probably imagine. Run your race because only you know your situation. Kipchoge's pace setters are not known to us, they faded off towards the end. If you noticed keenly they kept interchanging and taking breaks. Yet he ran the entire 42kms without a break. This race is a marathon not a dash, you have an entire life ahead of you.

Never hit rock bottom because of social pressure, career disappointments or unmet expectations. Most importantly, let’s form authentic relationships where my concerns are your concerns, it will save us the burden of a depressed generation. Above all, trust God’s timing, because if a caterpillar ever misses that one critical stage in the metamorphosis process, it ends end up missing the chance of becoming a beautiful butterfly. Don't die yet!

By Lucy Boen Chepng'eno

From: Kenya