Addicted To Information

When Paulie and Becky Sue pick up a reporter the stranger ends up having dinner with the family and realizes he as an addiction to information.


Accompanying the zebra doing errands both Paulie, the son of an aristocrat and his friend Becky Sue, a real-life gypsy, enjoyed the early evening ride, admiring the sunset. Noticing a man took cover in the roadside bushes, the cart suddenly came to a complete halt allowing the friends to engage in conversation.

“Excuse me, Sir?” Paulie exclaimed, “what are you doing?”

“Hiding from those who want to control what I say and do,” the nervous voice alarm sounded stating, ‘a problem developing’.

“How can they do that?” Becky Sue continued.

“Very simply by using overpowering behavior techniques,”

“What is overpowering behavior techniques?” Paulie asked.

“It is when the enemy’s ogre facial expression just stares,” the journalist reported.

Concerned, the two kids invited the stranger onto the carriage, wanting to give him safety and sanctuary.

“Thank you very much,” the man was very appreciated.

“Do you have a name?” Becky Sue inquired.

“Noah Pelly,” he responded, “many think I ask too many questions.”

“If people do not ask questions, how do people talk?” Becky Sue noted.

“What else do you do?”

“I,” Noah paused, “obtain information then distribute facts to you.”

“To us?” The pair both replied in unison, “what are we supposed to do with the information you supply.”

Taking a moment, Noah responded, “so you can be well knowledgeable.”

“About what?”

“The information,” Paulie told his friend.

Soon they arrived at the farm, “would you like to stay for dinner?” Paulie offered.

“Obtaining and distributing information, must make you starving,” Becky Sue added, hopping out, assisting Paulie in relieving the zebra from his duty.

Accepting the invitation Noah ventured towards the cottage. “Momma,” Paulie shouted, “Poppa, we have a guest for dinner, someone who obtains and distributes information.”

“Paulie, did you bring home a journalist?” Momma quickly rubbed her hands in a dish towel.

“He covers the other side; he says they want to overpower and control him.”

“Tell him we can add another plate,” Momma agreed.

Becky Sue finished feeding the zebra before walking home alone while the family sat down to eat. A wonderful discussion transpired about the issues plaguing the border line property. Hearing enough, Paulie retired back to his bedroom while Noah gripped his coffee cup peering relentlessly at the dessert fork, realizing it was time he had to confront an addiction.

“I knew too much, that is why they are after me,” Noah confessed to Momma.

“You got addicted to that information gathering, didn’t you?” Poppa concluded.

“Yeah, it overwhelms you and you do not know if you have all your bases cover, and to combat the fear, you start to be obsessed,”

“And you want more,” Momma picked up the apple pie container.

“The other side has a way of doing things like that lure you into paying attention to something, then zap, you do not know where the last five minutes went,” Poppa pointed out.

“Your right and ninety percent of the time I have nothing to do with the information,” Noah admitted.

Providing Noah with sleep couch space, Momma and Poppa shut off their lights wondering if the guest would turn the television on needing breaking news. Not hearing a sound, they both smiled at each other and when the sun rose Momma caught Noah heading out the door.

“Noah I was going to make some fresh eggs,” she tempted, “the news can wait.”

Stopping in his tracks Noah headed over to the kitchen table, “I have a theory,” Momma offered, “if you do not know you can always ask questions.”

“And if you missed something, they usually have a press kit telling you what to say,” Poppa appeared, “just kidding.”

Laughing, Noah once again gripped a coffee cup making the first step in defeating his information hunger, enjoying breakfast without any periodicals.

By Marc OBrien


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