/ GreyThoughts.Info… think people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are odd then consider the case of Randy Boyle. Going beyond the weirdness of doing everything in a…
By CraigE
…professor’s unabashed praise of Calvin’s “exceptionally florid storytelling style” compelled him to make the life and career-changing decision to go big time. He was sure that with his diploma in hand, and the polished talent it took to earn it, he would be a LaLaLand A-Lister in no time; besides, with the...
By CraigE
…n debt Iowa farmer Joe Ferguson loved his firearms—had a custom made oak cabinet full of the pampered killers of various calibers and an arsenal of ammunition…
By: CraigE
Based on a true story.
...he never smoked it, Harry Musterman loved grass; the other kind—the monocotyledon herbaceous plants whose seeds were...
By CraigE
A woman cures her.... .
...early on with a deep-seated identity crises brought on by the general anxiety disorder gifted to her by a dysfunctional family, Janine Fetterman always felt more at ease...
By CraigE
A true tale
———— is generally ambivalent about numbers: they seem irrelevant for measuring our ages and we don’t...
By CraigE