Viral Warfare

He is battle weary,

No one knew the

War would last so

Long, an enemy

Identified but

Unseen is hardest

To fight, those in

Command keep

Working from a

Hand drawn map,

A patchwork

Of solid intelligence

That set his orders,

Wearlily he picks up

His weapons and

Necessary kit, ready

To meet the next

Objective with his

Team of brothers

And sisters, lines

Seem drawn in sand

That shifts beneath

Their boots, treating

Wounded stacked

Like cordwood in

The fields, at times

Facing an enemy

That wears their

Faces, screaming

Obsceneties and

Spitting in their

Hair, on they march

For they are each of

Us, locked into a

Long conflict that

Now seems more

Against our fellow

Kind than the

Hidden enemy that

Began our march

Yet on we move,

Not blind sheep

But determined

Comrades, united in

The cause and with

Each enemy wave,

More sure than ever

That come what may

Victory will be ours,

Battle weary soldiers

Each of us, fighting


By Gail Constable

From: Canada