Rune Caster

Sitting on the floor, she

Cast the runes, reading

Those that fall outside

The circle of salt, death,

Lesson to learn, new

Growth, fire, warning,

Without raising her eyes

To the face of the one

Who asked, she told

What the stones said,

"A sudden change will

Force you to a different

Path, on it there will be

A life or death challenge

And what you choose

Could save a life or end

One, take great care",

The man rose in silence,

Placed his money on

The lace covered table,

Closing the door behind

Him as he left the room,

She gathered the runes,

Placing them carefully

Into her velvet pouch,

Swiping a hand to break

The salt circle before

Standing up, carefully

Blowing out the candle

On the table, tucking

The money left into the

Pocket of her skirt,

Tiny bells from

Bracelets on her arms

Tinkled as she shook

Her hands to dispel

The energy of the

Reading, her eyes may

Be dim but the sight

Always saw true that

Which would pass if

He heeded her words

For the future lay in

Choice not set in stone.

By Gail Constable

From: Canada

Instagram: witch_of_words1955