Grey Thoughts

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Sleep isn’t easily accomplished in my life. I spend nights quite awake, tinkering and creating. When I attempt to force myself to rest, I merely lay there for hours on end. Quite often I can only find I’m sleepy during the day.

Interesting that our society is built to function during the day and be dormant at night, rather than consider there might be people who function best at night.

When the clock is ticking, but my eyes wont shut I find myself writing, thinking, processing the infinite possible paths life can take and has already taken. I’m a curious person, always excited to learn or discover new things. What better time than at night when the world is asleep? Alone, awake and with an abundance of information I could learn.

Conversation seems to be the most interesting in the dead of night, too. Strangers from across the world meet in virtual worlds to engage with one another and I’m all for it. If I love anything as much as learning it would have to be conversation. And at night, things get particularly abstract. Sleepy thoughts are often times the most creative or inspired. People also seem to be the most tolerant and willing to empathize at night. Much more accepting of others. Much more curious.

Sometimes at night I sit, put on headphones and listen to music. I visualize the events depicted in the lyrics or allow the music to take my mind on an adventure. I’ve had a lot of fun going on those journeys through my own psyche.

Although, sleep doesn’t arrive easily for me, the night is never lost. I enjoy the night and the solitude. I wander my home quietly or sit in the backyard and listen to the air pass by. The best way to describe my experiences at night as meditative and calm. That’s what I get, a clear mind and a calmness.

I don’t mind when I can’t sleep. I enjoy those moments as much as being awake with with others during the daylight.