Grey Thoughts

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Within The Realms

What if

I didn’t catch the wave

Never followed 

The signs prepped in line

Never jumped on the train

And just-

stayed here in suspension

For the quickest portion 

Of what we define as time

Will I?

Still be able to be with you

Or will you just 

Let the patience of the mountains

Drive out the sun

So, I can 

seek out on my own

Every waking morning

The rising of its rays

Provides warmth to my cheeks

And it is

The calmness of the ocean

That brings so much peace

But then- 

You always come back

Like a ravaging storm

Always ferocious- 

with your insatiable desires

Always thirsting for more

Always forcing me to outgrow

A former conception

A previous form

To rise anew 

With the sprouting leaves of spring

That dangles and dances

During a cold winter day

And you always manage

To heat up the echoes

We forged in unison

That these seasons don’t matter

Now that our dreams

Are coming alive

With the singing of birds

And the gentle hums 

Of a clear, crisp, cool stream

And just right after

a night of a clearing rain

You lay there contently

humbled, settled 

within the realms

of a deep slumbering lake

catching our hopes and dreams

Letting it be tossed 

by the unforgiving river

back to seas

To the trenches

of our beliefs

taking roots to the furthest end

along the infinite lines 

of our minds

etched and carved

in these branches and dendrites

are nothing but-

our memories and desires

in perpetual seeking 

of that single frame of us


back in each other’s arms.

By Audrine Max

From: Philippines


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