Grey Thoughts

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The Writings On The Wall

Wrote this in about half an hour and just loved the wholly hell out of it. Hope Y'all enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you for your time.


Teagan hoped that the frightful feeling that had come upon her would fade by the time she got home. The drive from her campus was nearly twenty minutes, plenty of time she thought, to shake off her illogical suspicions. However, rather than decreasing, the overwhelming sense of being watched only worsened. This sinking, draining dread all started just as she left her intro to psychology class. Suddenly she heard crying and turned to find the source of a loud sudden burst of sorrow. Yet no one seemed to be around, even the other students from her class were completely out of sight. When she turned back around she nearly slammed into a large cloaked figure. An inexpensive looking low thread count white bed sheet completely enveloped the still and silent stranger. Uneven eye holes were cut out of the bed sheet to complete this popular last minute Halloween ghost costume. She quickly tries to apologize for being so startled by the non-threatening and overdone look, but the form says nothing, doesn’t even move an inch so she could try to pass by. A blank stare is all she received as she made her way to the parking lot. She was ready to erase the whole encounter from her memory until she pulled out onto the main road. There standing on the sidewalk was the form covered in the white sheet, only at that moment it appeared as if the figure had an outstretched hand pointed at Teagan. She gently applies more pressure on the gas pedal as if doing so quicker would cause her great harm. She speeds away going double the forty five mile per hour speed limit, trying desperately not to look and see if the sheeted figure remained where she last saw. Somehow believing she can leave the whole mess in her rearview mirror. Although she doesn't see another ghostly apparition her entire drive home, that feeling of being watched never fades. As she pulls onto her street she notices few stops near her apartment building are available, most likely because of the time of night. She is forced to park a half block away, leaving her feeling even more uneasy. Her instinct is to jog as the longer than usual distance to her front door has her looking over her shoulder every few seconds. Nobody in sight, just a cat’s meow breaking the bitter cold silence of the night. Only when she has the door completely closed, deadbolt locked and her keys in the fishbowl by the fridge does she notice something outside the kitchen window. Unfortunately for her already strained heart there is not just one figure standing beyond the double paned glass. Hundreds of white cloaked forms stand facing her, eye holes pointed in her direction. She lets out a scream for half a second before covering her mouth with both hands. She then rushes to her bedroom to check the window facing out toward the apartment complex’s courtyard. There is no empty space whatsoever. Only white forms standing motionlessly. Before she can check any other windows she hears the front door creek open slowly. The door hinges still screech and yet the entire living room is filled with these white ghosts. She turns to run in the opposite direction but there is nowhere to go, the entire apartment is overflowing. Only then as she is standing face to face with one of them does she realize there are no eyes peering out of those poorly cut eye holes. She pulls the sheet from the closest form and a steam cries out in agony. Yet no physical form stands before her. She grasps at every sheet she can reach for and pulls as hard as she can. Suddenly a crazed laughter fills the now small white padded room. Teagan is once again alone with only her insanity to keep her company.

By C.L. Norby

From: United States