Grey Thoughts

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The Silent Spectacle

Garnering much attention,

In the filtered waves of motion,

The blind curse shall prevail,

For aeons, the night never invited

The ordinary, caught among

The less privileged, the latter

Assuming to be knighted in the night,

Only to have found a space, a speck

In the nonexistent existence,

Being ordinary led the preface

To smile, with a lead taking

The awesomeness, the wait

To be witnessed and witnessing

The grandeur hallowed deep

Into the crevices, the twilight

Opus shivered for the canvas

To paint a shadow, not to be viewed

But to be observed in the firmament,

The observant is imbued in delight

Forever, to be caressed and revered

As an astute follower of the legion,

The might stayed aloof, to be absorbed

In the canvas, the least observant

Slumbered into the doldrums, sighting

Many excuses for being away

From the spectacle, pleading forgiveness

For yet another lapse, the smile had

A long pause, evincing to have found

The truth, the silence stayed a little

Longer, the thunders struck without excuse,

The venerable shadowed in invisible

Layers, only to be visible to the observant.

The smiles were exchanged, the thoughts

Eclipsed the joy of the invincible...

By Orbindu Ganga

From: India

Instagram: ordinary_is_beautiful

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