Grey Thoughts

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The Shaman

In my hometown temple 

I saw a young shaman

Who was summoned 

To perform his duty

After a short chanting

He started to shake

Then entered into an oblivious state

White froth coming from his mouth

His shaking increased

To violent whole-body jerks 


He was preparing himself

For the spirit of a deity

To enter and take him over 

Then suddenly he arose 

as if with a new identity

Stood tall and steady

With expression unlike himself

He started to stride around 

Raised his head high

Voiced out strong and loud

He delivered prophecy

Forewarned future threats

Gave holy decrees to follow

His followers circled around 

Bowed low before him

As he was the proxy of the deity

His words were reverently recorded

When his mission was over

The shaman suddenly collapsed

As the master’s spirit departed

People helped him to rest

Soon he regained his awareness

Back to his ordinary self

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States