Grey Thoughts

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The Knowing

In the depths of silence, where whispers lie,

There dwells a knowing, beyond the eye.

A quiet truth, a steady guide,

That walks with us, side by side.

It speaks in whispers, soft and low,

In the rustle of leaves, in the river's flow.

It knows the secrets of the heart,

And guides us through the darkest part.

In moments of doubt, it lends its hand,

A beacon of light in a shifting land.

It shows us paths we cannot see,

And sets our weary souls free.

Through trials and tribulations, it remains,

A steadfast presence, through joys and pains.

For in the knowing, we find our way,

And walk with purpose, come what may.

So listen closely, and you will hear,

The knowing whispering in your ear.

It holds the answers, clear and true,

Guiding you in all you do.

By Noah Andersson