Grey Thoughts

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Small World

I was looking at a raindrop as it paused upon a leaf

Reflected on its surface, clouds and sky with trees beneath

The world around me captured by this glistening, dewy sphere

Within its lower arc the mossy earth and ferns showed clear.

My eyes seemed drawn, but no…transfixed, as in a cobra’s stare

Beguiled by fish-eye images, mesmerized yet still aware.

The drop, now pulled by gravity, tumbled off as dark clouds burst

A thousand droplets followed, mirrored echoes of the first.

My reverie was broken as small puddles formed in nooks

The round reflections, shattered as they took on newer looks

Spread thin and even, outward, in a glassy satin sheen

There now was one reflection where so many once had been

I saw my shadowed image growing smaller as I stood

My body walked the homeward path, beyond reflected wood

How magnificent that eyes can find, contained within a drop,

The beauty of the world around, Earth’s wonders never stop.

By James Geehring

From: United States

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