Our Own Little...
Our Own Little Garden of Eden
"Our Own Little Garden of Eden" expresses how one feels to wake up each day in his own little paradise.
Each moment we take a breath
we are in our own little Garden of Eden,
a special piece of paradise.
Even if our world
isn’t filled with riches
like precious jewels
or overflowing with wealth,
we have all that we need.
We smile each time our eyes
behold the beauty of the sunrise
knowing we have another chance
to make things right.
We thank God
as we see the sunset
before our eyes each night
for each and everyday
is a promise we are given
to fulfill another day.
By Brenda Arledge
From: United States
Website: https://hubpages.com/@brendaarledge
Instagram: brendajarledge
Twitter: aug10cj
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