Grey Thoughts

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So precious are you

Without you days are bereft of sunshine

Gloomy and miserable

Human beings are said to be born free

But in our interdependent society

You are not annexed to life readily

Rather are in the grips of power holders

A tortuous road in pursuing you

People fight for you, sacrifice for you

Blood shed enough to form a river

Baptized in this crimson water

You have grown stronger

Still you are not at ease

Everyone requires you

The more the better

Even intruding on other’s share

Renders you inequitable

Even worse

When under sovereignty of tyranny

Or seized by the lawless

You become their license to kill

The best of you would be when

You don’t need to be in the spotlight

No one has to battle for you

Resting in a conscientious society

You quietly and equally serve every body

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States